Commit c713407f authored by Allan Lewis's avatar Allan Lewis Committed by Marc Cornellà
Browse files

git.plugin.zsh: Don't run Git hooks when making a WIP commit (#4751)

When making a WIP commit, we generally just want to save the state of the
current branch temporarily, maybe because we want to push our work for backup
purposes, or change branch to work on something else. Therefore, it's generally
undesirable to run Git hooks, which might do things like run linters, because
we probably don't care if our WIP has lint errors.
parent 1159aa14
......@@ -236,4 +236,4 @@ alias gupv='git pull --rebase -v'
alias glum='git pull upstream master'
alias gwch='git whatchanged -p --abbrev-commit --pretty=medium'
alias gwip='git add -A; git rm $(git ls-files --deleted) 2> /dev/null; git commit -m "--wip--"'
alias gwip='git add -A; git rm $(git ls-files --deleted) 2> /dev/null; git commit --no-verify -m "--wip--"'
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