Unverified Commit cea89f54 authored by Magnus Boman's avatar Magnus Boman Committed by GitHub
Browse files

archlinux: fix pacweb breaking when multiple packages found (#9059)

Co-authored-by: default avatarMagnus Boman <Kattus@users.noreply.github.com>
parent b706a919
Showing with 2 additions and 2 deletions
+2 -2
......@@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ if (( $+commands[xdg-open] )); then
if [[ -z "$infos" ]]; then
repo="$(grep '^Repo' <<< "$infos" | grep -oP '[^ ]+$')"
arch="$(grep '^Arch' <<< "$infos" | grep -oP '[^ ]+$')"
repo="$(grep -m 1 '^Repo' <<< "$infos" | grep -oP '[^ ]+$')"
arch="$(grep -m 1 '^Arch' <<< "$infos" | grep -oP '[^ ]+$')"
xdg-open "https://www.archlinux.org/packages/$repo/$arch/$pkg/" &>/dev/null
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