Commit eb244d9e authored by soredake's avatar soredake Committed by Marc Cornellà
Browse files

Update emacs plugin. (#5201)

- Updated minimal version from 23 to 24.
- Added new aliases that fix unexpected close with -nw option.
- Removed some old aliases.
- Fixed line that detects open frames.
parent d0610931
Showing with 9 additions and 10 deletions
+9 -10
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
# - Configuration changes made at runtime are applied to all frames.
if "$ZSH/tools/" emacs 23 2>/dev/null ; then
if "$ZSH/tools/" emacs 24 2>/dev/null ; then
export EMACS_PLUGIN_LAUNCHER="$ZSH/plugins/emacs/"
# set EDITOR if not already defined.
......@@ -18,15 +18,14 @@ if "$ZSH/tools/" emacs 23 2>/dev/null ; then
alias emacs="$EMACS_PLUGIN_LAUNCHER --no-wait"
alias e=emacs
# open terminal emacsclient
# same than M-x eval but from outside Emacs.
alias eeval="$EMACS_PLUGIN_LAUNCHER --eval"
# create a new X frame
alias eframe='emacsclient --alternate-editor "" --create-frame'
# to code all night long
alias emasc=emacs
alias emcas=emacs
# Write to standard output the path to the file
# opened in the current buffer.
......@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
# get list of available X windows.
x=`emacsclient --alternate-editor '' --eval '(x-display-list)' 2>/dev/null`
# get list of emacs frames.
frameslist=`emacsclient --alternate-editor '' --eval '(frame-list)' 2>/dev/null | egrep -o '(frame)+'`
if [ -z "$x" ] || [ "$x" = "nil" ] ;then
# Create one if there is no X window yet.
emacsclient --alternate-editor "" --create-frame "$@"
if [ "$(echo "$frameslist" | sed -n '$=')" -ge 2 ] ;then
# prevent creating another X frame if there is at least one present.
emacsclient --alternate-editor "" "$@"
# Create one if there is no X window yet.
emacsclient --alternate-editor "" --create-frame "$@"
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