A copy of the completion script from the [docker-compose](1) git repo.
A copy of the completion script from the [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose/blob/master/contrib/completion/zsh/_docker-compose) git repo.
local opts_help opts_force_recreate opts_no_recreate opts_no_build opts_remove_orphans opts_timeout opts_no_color opts_no_deps
opts_help='(: -)--help[Print usage]'
opts_force_recreate="(--no-recreate)--force-recreate[Recreate containers even if their configuration and image haven't changed. Incompatible with --no-recreate.]"
opts_no_recreate="(--force-recreate)--no-recreate[If containers already exist, don't recreate them. Incompatible with --force-recreate.]"
opts_no_build="(--build)--no-build[Don't build an image, even if it's missing.]"
opts_remove_orphans="--remove-orphans[Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file]"
opts_timeout=('(-t --timeout)'{-t,--timeout}"[Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds. (default: 10)]:seconds: ")
"--rmi[Remove images. Type must be one of: 'all': Remove all images used by any service. 'local': Remove only images that don't have a custom tag set by the \`image\` field.]:type:(all local)" \
'(-v --volumes)'{-v,--volumes}"[Remove named volumes declared in the \`volumes\` section of the Compose file and anonymous volumes attached to containers.]" \
$opts_remove_orphans && ret=0
_arguments \
$opts_help \
'--json[Output events as a stream of json objects]' \
'--allow-insecure-ssl[Allow insecure connections to the docker registry]' \
$opts_help \
'-d[Detached mode: Run containers in the background, print new container names.]' \
'(--abort-on-container-exit)-d[Detached mode: Run containers in the background, print new container names. Incompatible with --abort-on-container-exit.]' \
"--no-build[Don't build an image, even if it's missing]" \
$opts_no_recreate \
'(-t --timeout)'{-t,--timeout}"[Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds. (default: 10)]:seconds: " \
$opts_no_build \
"--x-smart-recreate[Only recreate containers whose configuration or image needs to be updated. (EXPERIMENTAL)]" \
"(--no-build)--build[Build images before starting containers.]" \
"(-d)--abort-on-container-exit[Stops all containers if any container was stopped. Incompatible with -d.]" \
'(-t --timeout)'{-t,--timeout}"[Use this timeout in seconds for container shutdown when attached or when containers are already running. (default: 10)]:seconds: " \
'(-p --project-name)'{-p,--project-name}'[Specify an alternate project name (default: directory name)]:project name:' \
'(-p --project-name)'{-p,--project-name}'[Specify an alternate project name (default: directory name)]:project name:' \
'--verbose[Show more output]' \
'(- :)'{-v,--version}'[Print version and exit]' \
'(-H --host)'{-H,--host}'[Daemon socket to connect to]:host:' \
'--tls[Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify]' \
'--tlscacert=[Trust certs signed only by this CA]:ca path:' \
'--tlscert=[Path to TLS certificate file]:client cert path:' \
'--tlskey=[Path to TLS key file]:tls key path:' \
'--tlsverify[Use TLS and verify the remote]' \
"--skip-hostname-check[Don't check the daemon's hostname against the name specified in the client certificate (for example if your docker host is an IP address)]" \
'(-): :->command' \
'(-): :->command' \
'(-)*:: :->option-or-argument' && ret=0
'(-)*:: :->option-or-argument' && ret=0
local counter=1
local -a relevant_compose_flags relevant_docker_flags compose_options docker_options
#local compose_file compose_project
while [ $counter -lt ${#words[@]} ]; do
case "${words[$counter]}" in
"--file" "-f"
"--host" "-H"
(( counter++ ))
"--project-name" "-p"
(( counter++ ))
(( counter++ ))
"--host" "-H"
for k in "${(@k)opt_args}"; do
if [[ -n "${relevant_docker_flags[(r)$k]}" ]]; then
if [[ -n "$opt_args[$k]" ]]; then
if [[ -n "${relevant_compose_flags[(r)$k]}" ]]; then