- 07 Mar, 2016 2 commits
L.C. Karssen authored
$CARETCOLOR was not to actually colour the caret, so change to root user wouldn't show in the prompt. Now both
▶ and◀ follow $CARETCOLOR. -
L.C. Karssen authored
Make some colours in the avit theme bold for better visibility in the default Ubuntu terminal theme.
- 12 Feb, 2016 2 commits
Marc Cornellà authored
Nick Russo authored
- 13 Jan, 2016 6 commits
L.C. Karssen authored
In commit 729fd53 I incorrectly only changed PROMPT1. Now both
▶ and◀ follow $CARETCOLOR. -
L.C. Karssen authored
oh-my-zsh avit theme: instead of only showing the last 3 directories in the $PWD shorten the path by removing some middle parts if $PWD becomes too long.
L.C. Karssen authored
L.C. Karssen authored
L.C. Karssen authored
Fix in avit theme: $CARETCOLOR was not to actually colour the caret, so change to root user wouldn't show in the prompt.
L.C. Karssen authored
- 15 Dec, 2015 1 commit
Andrew Janke authored
Fixes #4085: core -> plugin dependency issue. Rename it to git_current_branch for clarity that it's git-specific. Update all plugins that were calling it to use new name. Fix variable leaks by making more variables in lib/git.zsh local. Have lib/git.zsh use [[ ]] instead of [ ] everywhere.
- 14 Dec, 2015 1 commit
Danyil Bohdan authored
Actually replace the value of the environment variable $HOME with "~" instead of appending the tilde in front of the prompt.
- 04 Dec, 2015 1 commit
Danyil Bohdan authored
When the current path is /home/user/.config/doublecmd the prompt now reads "/h/u/.c/doublecmd", not "/h/u/./doublecmd" as was the case. This matches what the Fish shell does. Enclose the Perl snippet in single quotes instead of double quotes.
- 08 Nov, 2015 1 commit
Justin LeFebvre authored
I noticed that for certain projects with unstaged changed I would get a 'U' character instead of the '●' character. This should fix that.
- 07 Nov, 2015 1 commit
Andrew Janke authored
- 22 Oct, 2015 1 commit
Alexander Golikov authored
Fix «rvm» variable usage in RPROMPT out
- 27 Sep, 2015 1 commit
justvitalius authored
- 20 Sep, 2015 1 commit
Alexis Hildebrandt authored
- 18 Sep, 2015 1 commit
Alexis Hildebrandt authored
- 11 Sep, 2015 1 commit
Kirill Pahnev authored
- 04 Sep, 2015 1 commit
Andrew Janke authored
Switch to normal zsh %F/%f prompt escapes to avoid "eval" and extra variables. Wrap whole thing in anonymous function so the existing `local` statements actually work. Then switch '...' to eager "..." so stuff actually works with local variables. And local-ize the remaining variables that are used only in prompt construction.
- 02 Sep, 2015 1 commit
bronzdoc authored
- 17 Aug, 2015 1 commit
Fice-T authored
- When the previous command's return status is non-zero and the prompt is redrawn, graphical errors sometimes arise due to the fg{red} not being escaped.
- 27 Jul, 2015 1 commit
Brian Degenhardt authored
Problem On detached-refs, the git prompt is very slow because it uses a command to output all refs, which takes 32s on the twitter internal git repo. Solution Use git-rev-parse instead of git-show-ref to only output the head ref. Runtime drops to 0.03 seconds. Note Interestingly, git-rev-parse isn't slow without the --head arguement so I'll probably be cooking up a patch for the git team to speed this up eventually, but it's still pointless to sigpipe git as it walks the filesystem.
- 19 Jul, 2015 3 commits
Sharky authored
Sharky authored
Alex Talker authored
- 13 Jul, 2015 1 commit
Hongxin Liang authored
steeef theme sets colors depending on $TERM, however if %F is used, it must be closed by %f instead of %{$reset_color%}. Further on, all %f directives have been replaced by %F and color support of current TERM is checked more properly.
- 03 Jul, 2015 1 commit
Andrew Janke authored
- 26 Jun, 2015 1 commit
Andrew Janke authored
all platforms. Add clarifying comments. This makes everything consistent with the current Powerline-patched fonts definitions.
- 16 Jun, 2015 1 commit
Michele Bologna authored
Removed references for official git __git_ps1() functions. Change to use omz function git_prompt* functions like: - git_prompt_info() -> branch name - git_prompt_status() -> check if untracked, modified, added, stashed file are in the current git repo - git_remote_status() -> check if current repo is ahead, behind, or diverged. These functions returns string automatically added to your PS1; these are customizable via exporting ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT*
- 14 Jun, 2015 1 commit
ivanfoo authored
- 11 Jun, 2015 1 commit
Michele Bologna authored
* Moved git information to left prompt, with support for: * +ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_UNTRACKED, MODIFIED, STASHED, ADDED, UPSTREAM STATUS (if applicable) * Removed right prompt * Refactored following Google's guidelines for scripts [ http://goo.gl/oJSXH2 ] * Using local variables where applicable
- 10 Jun, 2015 4 commits
leif.hanack authored
Samuel Parkinson authored
Check for at least one commit using a `git log` limit of one. Improves the performance inside git repos with a large history.
Andrew Janke authored
Mark Mendoza authored
- 28 Apr, 2015 1 commit
Brian Hartvigsen authored
- 16 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Roderick Randolph authored
Fixes a bug where color of status arrow in prompt is red even when the exit code was zero (or success). This fix correclty returns green arrow on success and red for non-success exit code.
- 15 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Alex Talker authored