- 19 Sep, 2013 9 commits
Robby Russell authored
Update bundler.plugin.zsh
Robby Russell authored
Display right prompt in theme chooser
Robby Russell authored
jump plugin: fix autocompletion with single mark
Robby Russell authored
Improve pip plugin options support
Robby Russell authored
Add support for mosh (remote-shell) tab completion.
Robby Russell authored
Fixed comments in zshrc.zsh-template about disabling auto updates.
Robby Russell authored
Added WIP (work in progress) feature to git.plugin
Robby Russell authored
About gf alias
yleo77 authored
- 18 Sep, 2013 3 commits
Maxime Chaisse-Leal authored
Maxime Chaisse-Leal authored
Thomas Hipp authored
Autocompletion fails if there's only one mark, since the ls command will not display the parent directory with the trailing colon. Handling the single mark case separately and validating the symlink explicitly, resolves the issue.
- 14 Sep, 2013 1 commit
David Strawn authored
Previously they did not make sense nor were they accurate.
- 11 Sep, 2013 6 commits
Robby Russell authored
Added 'reinstall' command to brew completion
Robby Russell authored
added duckduckduck go to the web-search plugin
Robby Russell authored
Create the zcompdump based on version and host
Robby Russell authored
Correct color and font issues on Ubuntu
Robby Russell authored
Support of parallel bundle install
Robby Russell authored
fix typo error in tmux plugin
- 10 Sep, 2013 1 commit
Gaetan Semet authored
I didn't found the way to right-align the right prompt properly. Signed-off-by:
Gaetan Semet <gaetan@xeberon.net>
- 06 Sep, 2013 7 commits
Robby Russell authored
Robby Russell authored
Add jump plugin, which allows you to easily jump around the file system
Jeroen Janssens authored
Jeroen Janssens authored
Jeroen Janssens authored
Change marks function and remove 'function' keyword as suggested by pielgrzym in https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/pull/2045#issuecomment-22820224
Jeroen Janssens authored
Add _completemarks function as suggested by pielgrzym in https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/pull/2045#issuecomment-22826540
Jeroen Janssens authored
Great addition. Thanks!
- 05 Sep, 2013 3 commits
Stanislav Mekhonoshin authored
Justin Aiken authored
Justin Aiken authored
- 29 Aug, 2013 2 commits
Alexander Gronemann authored
Added taps to bundled_commands
yleo77 authored
- 19 Aug, 2013 1 commit
Aaron Mills authored
- 18 Aug, 2013 1 commit
Jeroen Janssens authored
- 15 Aug, 2013 2 commits
Jeroen Janssens authored
Brandon W Maister authored
* -r, --record now looks for a local file instead of trying to cache the entire package index * add --editable because it's useful * add --single-version-externally-managed because it is too long * add --record and --root because they're required by --single-version-externally-managed
- 14 Aug, 2013 1 commit
stibinator authored
- 13 Aug, 2013 3 commits
Robby Russell authored
Add Docker Autocompleteion
Robby Russell authored
Use new style of rails command.
Robby Russell authored
change git alias