1. 08 Apr, 2013 2 commits
  2. 14 Mar, 2013 2 commits
    • Ryan Winograd's avatar
      Fix whitespace · 4c8bba57
      Ryan Winograd authored
      That's what I get for using GitHub text editor and not checking tabs.
    • rylwin's avatar
      last-working-dir: Use >! to overwrite $cache_file · 1cfd813f
      rylwin authored
      Use ">!" to overwrite $cache_file in case noclobber is set. 
      When noclobber is set, zsh will not allow the use of ">" to overwrite
      the contents of a file. Instead, it displays a "file exists" error.
      By using ">!" instead, we tell zsh to overwrite the file without
  3. 03 Dec, 2012 1 commit
  4. 17 Oct, 2012 1 commit
    • Örjan Persson's avatar
      Added last working directory plugin · 91e5619a
      Örjan Persson authored
      Keeps track of the last changed directory. When a new shell is created,
      the last directory will be restored. Mimics how tabs works in many
      terminal emulators.