- 25 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Robby Russell authored
Add README.md file
- 24 Feb, 2015 2 commits
- 23 Feb, 2015 7 commits
Robby Russell authored
Re-order OS detection if..else statement in bgnotify plugin.
Robby Russell authored
Add nmap plugin with some aliases for scan modes
Kristján Oddsson authored
This patch will re-order the if statements when checking what operating system the user is running. This is useful for people that already have a `notify-send` binary in their $PATH but are running OSX. An example of such requirements is anyone running `vagrant-notify` is required to have a `notify-send` binary on their $PATH. See [link](https://github.com/fgrehm/vagrant-notify#os-x).
uberspot authored
Robby Russell authored
Fixing spaces in title and message given to bgnotify on OS X
Robby Russell authored
Update Grunt plugin to 0.1.2
Michał Ordon authored
- 22 Feb, 2015 30 commits
Mads Mætzke Tandrup authored
Robby Russell authored
Sublime Text plugin: sst alias for sudo run sublime
Robby Russell authored
Add completion for httpie
Robby Russell authored
go plugin upgrade for version 1.4
Robby Russell authored
Add rdms alias to rails plugin
Robby Russell authored
cask completion plugin
Robby Russell authored
Background notifications on long-running commands
Robby Russell authored
Let 'ys' theme use hg repo info too
Robby Russell authored
Update theme "jispwoso" to support ret status and git
Robby Russell authored
Fix gmt compdef
Robby Russell authored
Updated cabal plugin with Cabal 1.18-1.20 commands.
Robby Russell authored
Update git-flow.plugin.zsh
Robby Russell authored
Adds completions to wp-cli plugin
Robby Russell authored
Update git-hubflow.plugin.zsh
Robby Russell authored
Test if --color=auto is a valid option for grep
Robby Russell authored
added server:run alias
Robby Russell authored
[wd] Update to v0.4.1
Robby Russell authored
Tmuxinator plugin improvements
Robby Russell authored
plugins: mercurial: Update the order prompt vars are displayed
Robby Russell authored
Adding ssh-config to vagrant plugin autocomplete. Was missing
Robby Russell authored
Add alias for git add --all
Robby Russell authored
grunt completion
Robby Russell authored
Added alias for downloading maven dependencies' sources and javadocs
Robby Russell authored
removed superfluous vcs_info_msg in trapd00r theme
Robby Russell authored
Add cab autocompletion to the cabal plugin
Robby Russell authored
Add convenience aliases for installation of npm modules
Robby Russell authored
Modify theme to optimize the usability, when you use solarized dark as s...
Robby Russell authored
Create Ubuntu/Debian/Mint/... plugin, based on Debian plugin
Robby Russell authored
Fixes incorrect prompt arrow color
Robby Russell authored
Added the 'mix local.hex' command to plugin completions for mix