Commit 001e02b3 authored by Arturo Borrero Gonzalez's avatar Arturo Borrero Gonzalez
Browse files

d/changelog: generate entry for 1.6.0-3 unstable

This time, apart of using 'gbp dch', I mangle the changelog by hand a lot.

Git-Dch: Ignore
Signed-off-by: default avatarArturo Borrero Gonzalez <>
parent ceda689d
iptables (1.6.0-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* several changes in this release. To put it short: split packages into
libiptc, libip4tc, lipip6tc and libxtables-dev, so we no longer require
the old iptables-dev binary package.
Also, give to all binary packages Multi-Arch support.
Another important thing: move libs from /lib to /usr/lib
Now follows almost all the commits I've made:
* [2a142cc] libxtables11: Section is libs instead of net (Closes:
* [637406a] iptables: make it Multi-Arch: foreign (Closes: #776041)
* [4486e87] iptables,iptables-nftables-compat: Suggests kmod (Closes:
* [e687ad9] manpages: fix typo in manpages (ip6tables-resotre) (Closes:
* [4b6ae2e] manpages: add xtables-compat.8
* [1777193] d/control: bump standars to 3.9.7
* [bf21537] d/rules: disable libipq
* [9658f74] debian/: finish Multi-Arch support and migrate from /lib to
* [1187751] d/rules: drop override_dh_shlibdeps
* [246d62f] d/: package split: libiptc and libiptc-dev
* [56803ca] d/iptables-dev.install: don't ship ip_qeue include
* [a837415] d/: create libxtables-dev binary package (replacing
* [ceda689] d/control: bump replaces, breaks and conflicts
-- Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <> Tue, 07 Jun 2016 14:58:53 +0200
iptables (1.6.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Rebuild for unstable
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