"include/arch/aarch32/arch_helpers.h" did not exist on "0767d50e699d3d9cb827172dd7742618d37aabe0"
  • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
    xlat: Set AP[1] to 1 when it is RES1 · 01c0a38e
    Antonio Nino Diaz authored
    According to the ARMv8 ARM issue C.a:
        AP[1] is valid only for stage 1 of a translation regime that can
        support two VA ranges. It is RES 1 when stage 1 translations can
        support only one VA range.
    This means that, even though this bit is ignored, it should be set to 1
    in the EL3 and EL2 translation regimes.
    For translation regimes consisting on EL0 and a higher regime this bit
    selects between control at EL0 or at the higher Exception level. The
    regimes that support two VA ranges are EL1&0 and EL2&0 (the later one
    is only available since ARMv8.1).
    This fix has to be applied to both versions of the translation tables
    Change-Id: If19aaf588551bac7aeb6e9a686cf0c2068e7c181
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <antonio.ninodiaz@arm.com>
xlat_tables_common.c 11.3 KB