Commit 175476f9 authored by Xing Zheng's avatar Xing Zheng
Browse files

FIXUP: rockchip: rk3399: fix the incorrect bit during m0_init

We found that the DUT will be hanged if we don't set the bit_1 of the
PMUCRU_GATEDIS_CON0. But, from the TRM, there is weird that the bit_1
is set the clk_center1_gating_dis, not clk_pmum0_gating_dis. Is the
TRM incorrect? We need to check it with the IC team and re-clean the
commit message and explain it tomorrow.
Signed-off-by: default avatarXing Zheng <>
parent ca9286c6
......@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ void m0_init(void)
0xf, 0));
/* gating disable for M0 */
BITS_WITH_WMASK(0x3, 0x3, 0));
* To switch the parent to xin24M and div == 1,
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