Commit 38c14d88 authored by Soby Mathew's avatar Soby Mathew
Browse files

Makefile: Add `all` target to MAKE_DTBS

This patch makes some minor changes to `MAKE_DTBS` make macro
and adds `dtbs` target to the `all` make target.

Change-Id: I1c5b4a603ada31d2dac2ed73da9ff707b410dd11
Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <>
parent 566034fc
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ OC := ${CROSS_COMPILE}objcopy
OD := ${CROSS_COMPILE}objdump
DTC ?= dtc
DTC := dtc
# Use ${LD}.bfd instead if it exists (as absolute path or together with $PATH).
ifneq ($(strip $(wildcard ${LD}.bfd) \
......@@ -638,9 +638,7 @@ endif
# Expand build macros for the different images
ifeq (${NEED_FDT},yes)
$(eval $(call MAKE_DTBS,$(BUILD_PLAT)/fdts,$(FDT_SOURCES)))
$(eval $(call MAKE_FDT))
dtbs: $(DTBS)
$(eval $(call MAKE_DTBS,$(BUILD_PLAT)/fdts,$(FDT_SOURCES)))
......@@ -777,7 +775,7 @@ help:
@echo " distclean Remove all build artifacts for all platforms"
@echo " certtool Build the Certificate generation tool"
@echo " fiptool Build the Firmware Image Package (FIP) creation tool"
@echo " dtbs Build the Flattened device tree (if required for the platform)"
@echo " dtbs Build the Device Tree Blobs (if required for the platform)"
@echo ""
@echo "Note: most build targets require PLAT to be set to a specific platform."
@echo ""
......@@ -344,15 +344,18 @@ $(if $(2),$(call TOOL_ADD_IMG_PAYLOAD,bl$(1),$(BIN),--$(2),$(BIN),$(3)))
# Convert device tree source file names to matching blobs
# $(1) = input dts
$(notdir $(patsubst %.dts,%.dtb,$(filter %.dts,$(1))))
# MAKE_FDT macro defines the targets and options to build each FDT binary
# Arguments: (none)
define MAKE_FDT
$(eval DTB_BUILD_DIR := ${BUILD_PLAT}/fdts)
$(eval DTBS := $(addprefix $(DTB_BUILD_DIR)/,$(call SOURCES_TO_DTBS,$(FDT_SOURCES))))
# MAKE_FDT_DIRS macro creates the prerequisite directories that host the
# FDT binaries
# $(1) = output directory
# $(2) = input dts
$(eval DTBS := $(addprefix $(1)/,$(call SOURCES_TO_DTBS,$(2))))
$(eval TEMP_DTB_DIRS := $(sort $(dir ${DTBS})))
# The $(dir ) function leaves a trailing / on the directory names
# Rip off the / to match directory names with make rule targets.
......@@ -361,19 +364,18 @@ define MAKE_FDT
$(eval $(foreach objd,${DTB_DIRS},$(call MAKE_PREREQ_DIR,${objd},${BUILD_DIR})))
fdt_dirs: ${DTB_DIRS}
# MAKE_DTB generate the Flattened device tree binary (device tree binary)
# MAKE_DTB generate the Flattened device tree binary
# $(1) = output directory
# $(2) = input dts
define MAKE_DTB
$(eval DOBJ := $(1)/$(patsubst %.dts,%.dtb,$(notdir $(2))))
$(eval DOBJ := $(addprefix $(1)/,$(call SOURCES_TO_DTBS,$(2))))
$(eval DEP := $(patsubst %.dtb,%.d,$(DOBJ)))
$(DOBJ): $(2) $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | fdt_dirs
@echo " DTC $$<"
@echo " DTC $$<"
$$(Q)$$(DTC) $$(DTC_FLAGS) -d $(DEP) -o $$@ $$<
-include $(DEP)
......@@ -386,7 +388,11 @@ endef
define MAKE_DTBS
$(eval DOBJS := $(filter %.dts,$(2)))
$(eval REMAIN := $(filter-out %.dts,$(2)))
$(and $(REMAIN),$(error FDT_SOURCES contain non-DTS files: $(REMAIN)))
$(eval $(foreach obj,$(DOBJS),$(call MAKE_DTB,$(1),$(obj))))
$(and $(REMAIN),$(error Unexpected s present: $(REMAIN)))
$(eval $(call MAKE_FDT_DIRS,$(1),$(2)))
dtbs: $(DTBS)
all: dtbs
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