Commit 46e5e035 authored by Michalis Pappas's avatar Michalis Pappas
Browse files

Platforms cannot override ENABLE_STACK_PROTECTOR

Include stack_protector's makefile after including
to allow platforms override ENABLE_STACK_PROTECTOR

Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#567
Signed-off-by: default avatarMichalis Pappas <>
parent fb45044b
......@@ -274,13 +274,6 @@ endif
# over the sources.
# Include libraries' Makefile that are used in all BL
include lib/stack_protector/
# Include the platform specific Makefile after the SPD Makefile (the platform
# makefile may use all previous definitions in this file)
......@@ -440,6 +433,12 @@ ifneq (${FIP_ALIGN},0)
FIP_ARGS += --align ${FIP_ALIGN}
# Include libraries' Makefile that are used in all BL
include lib/stack_protector/
# Auxiliary tools (fiptool, cert_create, etc)
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