Commit 9b89613e authored by Andrew Thoelke's avatar Andrew Thoelke
Browse files

Fix integer extension in mpidr_set_aff_inst()

mpidr_set_aff_inst() is left shifting an int constant and an
unsigned char value to construct an MPIDR. For affinity level 3 a
shift of 32 would result in shifting out of the 32-bit type and
have no effect on the MPIDR.

These values need to be extended to unsigned long before shifting
to ensure correct results for affinity level 3.

Change-Id: I1ef40afea535f14cfd820c347a065a228e8f4536
parent 79b1ebda
......@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ unsigned long mpidr_set_aff_inst(unsigned long mpidr,
aff_shift = get_afflvl_shift(aff_lvl);
/* Clear the existing affinity instance & set the new one*/
mpidr &= ~(MPIDR_AFFLVL_MASK << aff_shift);
mpidr |= aff_inst << aff_shift;
mpidr &= ~(((unsigned long)MPIDR_AFFLVL_MASK) << aff_shift);
mpidr |= ((unsigned long)aff_inst) << aff_shift;
return mpidr;
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