Unverified Commit 9c52bbc0 authored by danh-arm's avatar danh-arm Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #1361 from vchong/tool_add_img

poplar: rename FIP_ADD_IMG to TOOL_ADD_IMG
Showing with 2 additions and 2 deletions
+2 -2
......@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ $(eval $(call add_define,POPLAR_RECOVERY))
# Add the build options to pack Trusted OS Extra1 and Trusted OS Extra2 images
# in the FIP if the platform requires.
ifneq ($(BL32_EXTRA1),)
$(eval $(call FIP_ADD_IMG,BL32_EXTRA1,--tos-fw-extra1))
$(eval $(call TOOL_ADD_IMG,BL32_EXTRA1,--tos-fw-extra1))
ifneq ($(BL32_EXTRA2),)
$(eval $(call FIP_ADD_IMG,BL32_EXTRA2,--tos-fw-extra2))
$(eval $(call TOOL_ADD_IMG,BL32_EXTRA2,--tos-fw-extra2))
NEED_BL33 := yes
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