Commit 9f1489e4 authored by Sandrine Bailleux's avatar Sandrine Bailleux Committed by Dan Handley
Browse files

Minor refactoring of BL1 FWU code

This patch introduces no functional change, it just changes
the serial console output.

 - Improve accuracy of error messages by decoupling some
   error cases;

 - Improve comments;

 - Move declaration of 'mem_layout' local variable closer to
   where it is used and make it const;

 - Rename a local variable to clarify whether it is a source
   or a destination address (base_addr -> dest_addr).

Change-Id: I349fcf053e233f316310892211d49e35ef2c39d9
Signed-off-by: default avatarSandrine Bailleux <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarDan Handley <>
parent 99c5ebaf
......@@ -120,24 +120,33 @@ static int bl1_fwu_image_copy(unsigned int image_id,
unsigned int image_size,
unsigned int flags)
uintptr_t base_addr;
uintptr_t dest_addr;
/* Get the image descriptor. */
image_desc_t *image_desc = bl1_plat_get_image_desc(image_id);
if (!image_desc) {
WARN("BL1-FWU: Invalid image ID %u\n", image_id);
return -EPERM;
/* Check if we are in correct state. */
if ((!image_desc) ||
((image_desc->state != IMAGE_STATE_RESET) &&
(image_desc->state != IMAGE_STATE_COPYING))) {
WARN("BL1-FWU: Copy not allowed due to invalid state\n");
* The request must originate from a non-secure caller and target a
* secure image. Any other scenario is invalid.
WARN("BL1-FWU: Copy not allowed from secure world.\n");
return -EPERM;
if (GET_SECURITY_STATE(image_desc->ep_info.h.attr) == NON_SECURE) {
WARN("BL1-FWU: Copy not allowed for non-secure images.\n");
return -EPERM;
/* Only Normal world is allowed to copy a Secure image. */
if ((GET_SECURITY_STATE(flags) == SECURE) ||
(GET_SECURITY_STATE(image_desc->ep_info.h.attr) == NON_SECURE)) {
WARN("BL1-FWU: Copy not allowed for Non-Secure "
"image from Secure-world\n");
/* Check whether the FWU state machine is in the correct state. */
if ((image_desc->state != IMAGE_STATE_RESET) &&
(image_desc->state != IMAGE_STATE_COPYING)) {
WARN("BL1-FWU: Copy not allowed at this point of the FWU"
" process.\n");
return -EPERM;
......@@ -148,61 +157,61 @@ static int bl1_fwu_image_copy(unsigned int image_id,
/* Get the image base address. */
base_addr = image_desc->image_info.image_base;
dest_addr = image_desc->image_info.image_base;
if (image_desc->state == IMAGE_STATE_COPYING) {
image_size = image_desc->image_info.image_size;
* If last block is more than expected then
* clip the block to the required image size.
* If the given block size is more than the total image size
* then clip the former to the latter.
if (image_desc->copied_size + block_size >
image_desc->image_info.image_size) {
block_size = image_desc->image_info.image_size -
WARN("BL1-FWU: Copy argument block_size > remaining image size."
" Clipping block_size\n");
if (image_desc->copied_size + block_size > image_size) {
WARN("BL1-FWU: Block size is too big, clipping it.\n");
block_size = image_size - image_desc->copied_size;
/* Make sure the image src/size is mapped. */
/* Make sure the source image is mapped in memory. */
if (bl1_plat_mem_check(image_src, block_size, flags)) {
WARN("BL1-FWU: Copy arguments source/size not mapped\n");
WARN("BL1-FWU: Source image to copy is not mapped.\n");
return -ENOMEM;
INFO("BL1-FWU: Continuing image copy in blocks\n");
/* Copy image for given block size. */
base_addr += image_desc->copied_size;
dest_addr += image_desc->copied_size;
image_desc->copied_size += block_size;
memcpy((void *)base_addr, (const void *)image_src, block_size);
flush_dcache_range(base_addr, block_size);
memcpy((void *)dest_addr, (const void *)image_src, block_size);
flush_dcache_range(dest_addr, block_size);
/* Update the state if last block. */
if (image_desc->copied_size ==
image_desc->image_info.image_size) {
if (image_desc->copied_size == image_size) {
image_desc->state = IMAGE_STATE_COPIED;
INFO("BL1-FWU: Image copy in blocks completed\n");
} else {
/* This means image is in RESET state and ready to be copied. */
INFO("BL1-FWU: Fresh call to copy an image\n");
} else { /* image_desc->state == IMAGE_STATE_RESET */
INFO("BL1-FWU: Initial call to copy an image\n");
* image_size is relevant only for the 1st copy request, it is
* then ignored for subsequent calls for this image.
if (!image_size) {
WARN("BL1-FWU: Copy not allowed due to invalid image size\n");
WARN("BL1-FWU: Copy not allowed due to invalid image"
" size\n");
return -ENOMEM;
* If block size is more than total size then
* assume block size as the total image size.
* If the given block size is more than the total image size
* then clip the former to the latter.
if (block_size > image_size) {
WARN("BL1-FWU: Block size is too big, clipping it.\n");
block_size = image_size;
WARN("BL1-FWU: Copy argument block_size > image size."
" Clipping block_size\n");
/* Make sure the image src/size is mapped. */
/* Make sure the source image is mapped in memory. */
if (bl1_plat_mem_check(image_src, block_size, flags)) {
WARN("BL1-FWU: Copy arguments source/size not mapped\n");
return -ENOMEM;
......@@ -215,23 +224,24 @@ static int bl1_fwu_image_copy(unsigned int image_id,
/* Find out how much free trusted ram remains after BL1 load */
meminfo_t *mem_layout = bl1_plat_sec_mem_layout();
const meminfo_t *mem_layout = bl1_plat_sec_mem_layout();
if ((image_desc->image_info.image_base < mem_layout->free_base) ||
(image_desc->image_info.image_base + image_size >
mem_layout->free_base + mem_layout->free_size)) {
WARN("BL1-FWU: Memory not available to copy\n");
WARN("BL1-FWU: Copy not allowed due to insufficient"
" resources.\n");
return -ENOMEM;
/* Update the image size. */
/* Save the given image size. */
image_desc->image_info.image_size = image_size;
/* Copy image for given size. */
memcpy((void *)base_addr, (const void *)image_src, block_size);
flush_dcache_range(base_addr, block_size);
/* Copy the block of data. */
memcpy((void *)dest_addr, (const void *)image_src, block_size);
flush_dcache_range(dest_addr, block_size);
/* Update the state. */
/* Update the state of the FWU state machine. */
if (block_size == image_size) {
image_desc->state = IMAGE_STATE_COPIED;
INFO("BL1-FWU: Image is copied successfully\n");
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