Commit b5ef9569 authored by Varun Wadekar's avatar Varun Wadekar
Browse files

Tegra186: relocate bl31.bin to the SYSRAM

Tegra186 has an on-die, 320KB, "System RAM" memory. Out of the total
size, 256KB are allocated for the CPU TrustZone binaries - EL3 monitor
and Trusted OS.

This patch changes the base address for bl31.bin to the SysRAM base
address. The carveout is too small for the Trusted OS, so we relocate
only the monitor binary.

Change-Id: Ib4b667ff2a7a619589851338f9d0bfb02078c575
Signed-off-by: default avatarVarun Wadekar <>
parent c7ec0892
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ ENABLE_NS_L2_CPUECTRL_RW_ACCESS := 1
$(eval $(call add_define,ENABLE_NS_L2_CPUECTRL_RW_ACCESS))
# platform settings
TZDRAM_BASE := 0xEA800000
TZDRAM_BASE := 0x30000000
$(eval $(call add_define,TZDRAM_BASE))
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