Commit c04d2606 authored by Dan Handley's avatar Dan Handley
Browse files

Allow deeper platform port directory structure

Update the top level makefile to allow platform ports to exist in
subdirectories at any level instead of one level under `plat/`. The
makefile recursively searches for all files called `` in
all subdirectories of `plat/`. The directory containing
`` is the platform name. Platform names must be unique
across the codebase.

Replace usage of HELP_PLATFORMS in the Makefile with PLATFORMS since
these are both used to report the same information back to the user.

Update the TSP and cert_create tool makefiles in a similar way
to support a deeper platform port directory structure.

Also add PLAT_<plat_name> as a define passed through the top level
makefile to the source files, to allow build time variation in common
platform code.

Change-Id: I213420164808c5ddb99a26144e8e3f141a7417b7
parent d3b638cb
# Copyright (c) 2013-2014, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
......@@ -126,9 +126,14 @@ BL_COMMON_SOURCES := common/bl_common.c \
BUILD_BASE := ./build
PLATFORMS := $(shell ls -I common plat/)
# Generate the platforms list by recursively searching for all directories
# under /plat containing a PLAT_MAKEFILE. Append each platform with a `|`
# char and strip out the final '|'.
PLATFORMS := $(shell find plat/ -name '${PLAT_MAKEFILE}' -print0 | \
sed -r 's%[^\x00]*\/([^/]*)\/${PLAT_MAKEFILE}\x00%\1|%g' | \
sed -r 's/\|$$//')
SPDS := $(shell ls -I none services/spd)
HELP_PLATFORMS := $(shell echo ${PLATFORMS} | sed 's/ /|/g')
# Convenience function for adding build definitions
# $(eval $(call add_define,FOO)) will have:
......@@ -144,9 +149,10 @@ $(and $(patsubst 0,,$(value $(1))),$(patsubst 1,,$(value $(1))),$(error $(1) mus
ifeq (${PLAT},)
$(error "Error: Unknown platform. Please use PLAT=<platform name> to specify the platform.")
$(error "Error: Unknown platform. Please use PLAT=<platform name> to specify the platform")
ifeq ($(findstring ${PLAT},${PLATFORMS}),)
PLAT_MAKEFILE_FULL := $(shell find plat/ -wholename '*/${PLAT}/${PLAT_MAKEFILE}')
$(error "Error: Invalid platform. The following platforms are available: ${PLATFORMS}")
......@@ -155,7 +161,7 @@ all: msg_start
@echo "Building ${PLAT}"
include plat/${PLAT}/
# Include the CPU specific operations makefile. By default all CPU errata
# workarounds and CPU specifc optimisations are disabled. This can be
......@@ -225,6 +231,9 @@ CFLAGS += -g
ASFLAGS += -g -Wa,--gdwarf-2
# Process PLAT flag
$(eval $(call add_define,PLAT_${PLAT}))
# Process NS_TIMER_SWITCH flag
$(eval $(call assert_boolean,NS_TIMER_SWITCH))
$(eval $(call add_define,NS_TIMER_SWITCH))
......@@ -633,7 +642,7 @@ cscope:
${Q}cscope -b -q -k
@echo "usage: ${MAKE} PLAT=<${PLATFORMS}> [OPTIONS] [TARGET]"
@echo ""
@echo "PLAT is used to specify which platform you wish to build."
@echo "If no platform is specified, PLAT defaults to: ${DEFAULT_PLAT}"
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ $(eval $(call add_define,TSP_INIT_ASYNC))
# Include the platform-specific TSP Makefile
# If no platform-specific TSP Makefile exists, it means TSP is not supported
# on this platform.
TSP_PLAT_MAKEFILE := plat/${PLAT}/tsp/tsp-${PLAT}.mk
TSP_PLAT_MAKEFILE := $(shell find plat/ -wholename '*/${PLAT}/tsp/tsp-${PLAT}.mk')
ifeq (,$(wildcard ${TSP_PLAT_MAKEFILE}))
$(error TSP is not supported on platform ${PLAT})
......@@ -47,7 +47,13 @@ CFLAGS := -Wall -std=c99
# Check the platform
ifeq (${PLAT},none)
$(error Error: No platform defined. Use PLAT=<platform>.)
$(error "Error: Unknown platform. Please use PLAT=<platform name> to specify the platform")
PLAT_INCLUDE := $(shell find ../../plat/ -wholename '*/${PLAT}/${PLAT_MAKEFILE}' | \
sed 's/${PLAT_MAKEFILE}/include/')
ifeq ($(PLAT_INCLUDE),)
$(error "Error: Invalid platform '${PLAT}'")
ifeq (${DEBUG},1)
......@@ -63,7 +69,7 @@ endif
# Make soft links and include from local directory otherwise wrong headers
# could get pulled in from firmware tree.
INC_DIR := -I ./include -I ../../plat/${PLAT}/include
INC_DIR := -I ./include -I ${PLAT_INCLUDE}
LIB := -lssl -lcrypto
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