Unverified Commit cc429178 authored by Soby Mathew's avatar Soby Mathew Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #1906 from pbeesley-arm/pb/readme

doc: Prepare readme for 2.1 release
parents 512650c3 ca7145c5
Showing with 216 additions and 25 deletions
+216 -25
Trusted Firmware-A Documentation Contents
This document serves as a list of the documentation that is included with the
Trusted Firmware-A source.
`About Trusted Firmware-A`_
Getting Started
`Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ)`_
`Image Terminology`_
`Porting Guide`_
`User Guide`_
`Coding Style and Guidelines`_
`Contributor Acknowledgements`_
`Contributor's Guide`_
Processes and Policies
`Platform Compatibility Policy`_
`Release Processes`_
Secure Payload Dispatch
`OP-TEE Dispatcher`_
`Trusted Little Kernel (TLK) Dispatcher`_
`Trusty Dispatcher`_
System Design and Components
`Arm CPU Specific Build Macros`_
`Arm SiP Services`_
`Authentication Framework & Chain of Trust`_
`CPU Reset`_
`EL3 Runtime Service Writer’s Guide`_
`Exception Handling Framework`_
`Firmware Design Overview`_
`Firmware Update (FWU)`_
`Interrupt Management Framework`_
`Library at ROM`_
`Platform Interrupt Controller API`_
`PSCI Library Integration Guide for Armv8-A AArch32 systems`_
`PSCI Power Domain Tree design`_
`Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS) Extensions`_
`Secure Partition Manager`_
`Software Delegated Exception Interface`_
`Translation (XLAT) Tables Library`_
`Trusted Board Boot Design Guide`_
Performance and Testing
`PSCI Performance Measurements on Arm Juno Development Platform`_
Security and Advisories
`Security Processes`_
Other Documents
`Change Log`_
.. _About Trusted Firmware-A: ../readme.rst
.. _Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ): ./frequently-asked-questions.rst
.. _Image Terminology: ./image-terminology.rst
.. _Porting Guide: ./porting-guide.rst
.. _User Guide: ./user-guide.rst
.. _Coding Style and Guidelines: ./coding-guidelines.rst
.. _Contributor Acknowledgements: ../acknowledgements.rst
.. _`Contributor's Guide`: ../contributing.rst
.. _License: ../license.rst
.. _Maintainers: ../maintainers.rst
.. _Platform Compatibility Policy: ./platform-compatibility-policy.rst
.. _Release Processes: ./release-information.rst
.. _Arm SiP Services: ./arm-sip-service.rst
.. _Exception Handling Framework: ./exception-handling.rst
.. _Firmware Update (FWU): ./firmware-update.rst
.. _Interrupt Management Framework: ./interrupt-framework-design.rst
.. _Library at ROM: ./romlib-design.rst
.. _Platform Interrupt Controller API: ./platform-interrupt-controller-API.rst
.. _`Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS) Extensions`: ./ras.rst
.. _Secure Partition Manager: ./secure-partition-manager-design.rst
.. _Software Delegated Exception Interface: ./sdei.rst
.. _Translation (XLAT) Tables Library: ./xlat-tables-lib-v2-design.rst
.. _OP-TEE Dispatcher: ./spd/optee-dispatcher.rst
.. _Trusted Little Kernel (TLK) Dispatcher: ./spd/tlk-dispatcher.rst
.. _Trusty Dispatcher: ./spd/trusty-dispatcher.rst
.. _Arm CPU Specific Build Macros: ./cpu-specific-build-macros.rst
.. _`Authentication Framework & Chain of Trust`: ./auth-framework.rst
.. _CPU Reset: ./reset-design.rst
.. _`EL3 Runtime Service Writer’s Guide`: ./rt-svc-writers-guide.rst
.. _Firmware Design Overview: ./firmware-design.rst
.. _PSCI Library Integration Guide for Armv8-A AArch32 systems: ./psci-lib-integration-guide.rst
.. _PSCI Power Domain Tree design: ./psci-pd-tree.rst
.. _Trusted Board Boot Design Guide: ./trusted-board-boot.rst
.. _PSCI Performance Measurements on Arm Juno Development Platform: ./psci-performance-juno.rst
.. _Security Processes: ./security-center.rst
.. _Change Log: ./change-log.rst
.. _TFV-1: ./security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-1.rst
.. _TFV-2: ./security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-2.rst
.. _TFV-3: ./security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-3.rst
.. _TFV-4: ./security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-4.rst
.. _TFV-5: ./security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-5.rst
.. _TFV-6: ./security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-6.rst
.. _TFV-7: ./security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-7.rst
.. _TFV-8: ./security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-8.rst
Trusted Firmware-A - version 2.0
Trusted Firmware-A - version 2.1
Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A) provides a reference implementation of secure world
......@@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ such as:
Where possible, the code is designed for reuse or porting to other Armv7-A and
Armv8-A model and hardware platforms.
This release provides a suitable starting point for productization of secure
world boot and runtime firmware, in either the AArch32 or AArch64 execution
Users are encouraged to do their own security validation, including penetration
testing, on any secure world code derived from TF-A.
Arm will continue development in collaboration with interested parties to
provide a full reference implementation of Secure Monitor code and Arm standards
to the benefit of all developers working with Armv7-A and Armv8-A TrustZone
......@@ -53,18 +60,8 @@ license text is included in those source files.
BSD-3-Clause license. Any contributions to this code must be made under the
terms of both licenses.
This release
This release provides a suitable starting point for productization of secure
world boot and runtime firmware, in either the AArch32 or AArch64 execution
Users are encouraged to do their own security validation, including penetration
testing, on any secure world code derived from TF-A.
- Initialization of the secure world, for example exception vectors, control
registers and interrupts for the platform.
......@@ -136,17 +133,30 @@ Functionality
- Support for the GCC, LLVM and Arm Compiler 6 toolchains.
- Support for combining several libraries into a self-called "romlib" image
that may be shared across images to reduce memory footprint. The romlib image
is stored in ROM but is accessed through a jump-table that may be stored
- Support for combining several libraries into a "romlib" image that may be
shared across images to reduce memory footprint. The romlib image is stored
in ROM but is accessed through a jump-table that may be stored
in read-write memory, allowing for the library code to be patched.
- A prototype implementation of a Secure Partition Manager (SPM) that is based
on the SPCI and SPRT specifications.
- Support for ARMv8.3 pointer authentication in the normal and secure worlds.
The use of pointer authentication in the normal world is enabled whenever
architectural support is available, without the need for additional build
flags. Use of pointer authentication in the secure world remains an
experimental configuration at this time and requires the ``ENABLE_PAUTH``
build flag to be set.
- Position-Independent Executable (PIE) support. Initially for BL31 only, with
further support to be added in a future release.
For a full description of functionality and implementation details, please
see the `Firmware Design`_ and supporting documentation. The `Change Log`_
provides details of changes made since the last release.
Various AArch32 and AArch64 builds of this release have been tested on r0, r1
and r2 variants of the `Juno Arm Development Platform`_.
......@@ -192,18 +202,23 @@ All the above platforms have been tested with `Linaro Release 18.04`_.
This release also contains the following platform support:
- Allwinner sun50i_64 and sun50i_h6
- Allwinner sun50i_a64 and sun50i_h6
- Amlogic Meson S905 (GXBB)
- Arm SGI-575, RDN1Edge, RDE1Edge and SGM-775
- Arm Neoverse N1 System Development Platform
- Arm Juno Software Development Platform
- Arm Neoverse N1 System Development Platform (N1SDP)
- Arm Neoverse Reference Design N1 Edge (RD-N1-Edge) FVP
- Arm Neoverse Reference Design E1 Edge (RD-E1-Edge) FVP
- Arm SGI-575 and SGM-775
- Arm Versatile Express FVP
- HiKey, HiKey960 and Poplar boards
- Intel Stratix 10 SoC FPGA
- Marvell Armada 3700 and 8K
- MediaTek MT6795 and MT8173 SoCs
- NVIDIA T132, T186 and T210 SoCs
- NXP QorIQ LS1043A, i.MX8MQ, i.MX8QX, i.MX8QM and i.MX7Solo WaRP7
- NXP QorIQ LS1043A, i.MX8MM, i.MX8MQ, i.MX8QX, i.MX8QM and i.MX7Solo WaRP7
- Raspberry Pi 3
- R-Car Generation 3
- Renesas R-Car Generation 3
- RockChip RK3328, RK3368 and RK3399 SoCs
- Socionext UniPhier SoC family and SynQuacer SC2A11 SoCs
- STMicroelectronics STM32MP1
......@@ -211,11 +226,15 @@ This release also contains the following platform support:
- Xilinx Versal and Zynq UltraScale + MPSoC
Still to come
- Support for additional platforms.
- Refinements to Position Independent Executable (PIE) support.
- More platform support.
- Refinements to SPCI-compliant SPM implementation.
- Position independent executable (PIE) support.
- Documentation enhancements.
- Ongoing support for new architectural features, CPUs and System IP.
......@@ -243,6 +262,12 @@ See the `Contributing Guidelines`_ for information on how to contribute to this
project and the `Acknowledgments`_ file for a list of contributors to the
Documentation contents
The `Trusted Firmware-A Documentation Contents`_ page contains an overview of
the documentation that is available, with links to facilitate easier browsing.
IRC channel
......@@ -261,7 +286,7 @@ vulnerability, please report this using the process defined in the TF-A
Arm licensees may contact Arm directly via their partner managers.
Security advisories
- `Security Advisory TFV-1`_
- `Security Advisory TFV-2`_
......@@ -313,3 +338,4 @@ Security advisories
.. _Security Advisory TFV-6: ./docs/security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-6.rst
.. _Security Advisory TFV-7: ./docs/security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-7.rst
.. _Security Advisory TFV-8: ./docs/security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-8.rst
.. _Trusted Firmware-A Documentation Contents: ./docs/contents.rst
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