Commit ce6107c7 authored by Varun Wadekar's avatar Varun Wadekar
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Tegra: support to compile native GICv2 drivers

This patch adds a macro to allow platforms to compile native
GICv2 drivers along with Tegra handlers.

Change-Id: I8281796c09dae5704cff2daab831395d65e261b7
Signed-off-by: default avatarVarun Wadekar <>
Showing with 68 additions and 1 deletion
+68 -1
......@@ -13,7 +13,13 @@ PLAT_BL_COMMON_SOURCES += ${XLAT_TABLES_LIB_SRCS}
COMMON_DIR := plat/nvidia/tegra/common
BL31_SOURCES += drivers/console/aarch64/console.S \
TEGRA_GICv2_SOURCES := drivers/arm/gic/common/gic_common.c \
drivers/arm/gic/v2/gicv2_main.c \
drivers/arm/gic/v2/gicv2_helpers.c \
plat/common/plat_gicv2.c \
BL31_SOURCES += drivers/console/aarch64/console.S \
drivers/delay_timer/delay_timer.c \
drivers/ti/uart/aarch64/16550_console.S \
${COMMON_DIR}/aarch64/tegra_helpers.S \
* Copyright (c) 2018, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <assert.h>
#include <bl_common.h>
#include <gicv2.h>
#include <platform_def.h>
#include <tegra_private.h>
#include <tegra_def.h>
#include <utils.h>
* Tegra common helper to setup the GICv2 driver data.
void tegra_gic_setup(tegra_gic_cfg_t *cfg)
* Tegra GIC configuration settings
static gicv2_driver_data_t tegra_gic_data;
* Register Tegra GICv2 driver
tegra_gic_data.gicd_base = TEGRA_GICD_BASE;
tegra_gic_data.gicc_base = TEGRA_GICC_BASE;
tegra_gic_data.g0_interrupt_num = cfg->g0_int_num;
tegra_gic_data.g0_interrupt_array = cfg->g0_int_array;
* Tegra common helper to initialize the GICv2 only driver.
void tegra_gic_init(void)
* Tegra common helper to disable the GICv2 CPU interface
void tegra_gic_cpuif_deactivate(void)
* Tegra common helper to initialize the per cpu distributor interface
* in GICv2
void tegra_gic_pcpu_init(void)
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