Commit de580488 authored by Sandrine Bailleux's avatar Sandrine Bailleux Committed by TrustedFirmware Code Review
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Merge "tegra: add support for multi console interface" into integration

parents 30560911 544c092b
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2015-2019, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
......@@ -218,49 +218,6 @@ func platform_mem_init
endfunc platform_mem_init
/* ---------------------------------------------
* int plat_crash_console_init(void)
* Function to initialize the crash console
* without a C Runtime to print crash report.
* Clobber list : x0 - x4
* ---------------------------------------------
func plat_crash_console_init
mov x0, #0
adr x1, tegra_console_base
ldr x1, [x1]
cbz x1, 1f
mov w0, #1
1: ret
endfunc plat_crash_console_init
/* ---------------------------------------------
* int plat_crash_console_putc(void)
* Function to print a character on the crash
* console without a C Runtime.
* Clobber list : x1, x2
* ---------------------------------------------
func plat_crash_console_putc
adr x1, tegra_console_base
ldr x1, [x1]
b console_core_putc
endfunc plat_crash_console_putc
/* ---------------------------------------------
* int plat_crash_console_flush()
* Function to force a write of all buffered
* data that hasn't been output.
* Out : return -1 on error else return 0.
* Clobber list : x0, x1
* ---------------------------------------------
func plat_crash_console_flush
adr x0, tegra_console_base
ldr x0, [x0]
b console_core_flush
endfunc plat_crash_console_flush
/* ---------------------------------------------------
* Function to handle a platform reset and store
* input parameters passed by BL2.
* Copyright (c) 2017-2018, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2017-2019, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <asm_macros.S>
#include <console_macros.S>
#define CONSOLE_FLUSH_DATA_TO_PORT (1 << 26)
......@@ -20,37 +21,43 @@
* finally displays everything on the UART port.
.globl console_core_init
.globl console_core_putc
.globl console_core_getc
.globl console_core_flush
/* -----------------------------------------------
* int console_core_init(uintptr_t base_addr,
* unsigned int uart_clk, unsigned int baud_rate)
* Function to initialize the console without a
* C Runtime to print debug information. This
* function will be accessed by console_init and
* crash reporting.
* In: x0 - console base address
* w1 - Uart clock in Hz
.globl console_spe_core_init
.globl console_spe_core_putc
.globl console_spe_core_getc
.globl console_spe_core_flush
.globl console_spe_putc
.globl console_spe_getc
.globl console_spe_flush
.globl console_spe_register
/* -------------------------------------------------
* int console_spe_register(uintptr_t baseaddr,
* uint32_t clock, uint32_t baud,
* console_spe_t *console);
* Function to initialize and register a new spe
* console. Storage passed in for the console struct
* *must* be persistent (i.e. not from the stack).
* In: x0 - UART register base address
* w1 - UART clock in Hz
* w2 - Baud rate
* Out: return 1 on success else 0 on error
* Clobber list : x1, x2
* -----------------------------------------------
* x3 - pointer to empty console_spe_t struct
* Out: return 1 on success, 0 on error
* Clobber list : x0, x1, x2, x6, x7, x14
* -------------------------------------------------
func console_core_init
/* Check the input base address */
cbz x0, core_init_fail
mov w0, #1
func console_spe_register
cbz x3, register_fail
str x0, [x3, #CONSOLE_T_DRVDATA]
mov x0, x3
finish_console_register spe putc=1, getc=1, flush=1
mov w0, wzr
endfunc console_core_init
endfunc console_spe_register
/* --------------------------------------------------------
* int console_core_putc(int c, uintptr_t base_addr)
* int console_spe_core_putc(int c, uintptr_t base_addr)
* Function to output a character over the console. It
* returns the character printed on success or -1 on error.
* In : w0 - character to be printed
......@@ -59,7 +66,7 @@ endfunc console_core_init
* Clobber list : x2
* --------------------------------------------------------
func console_core_putc
func console_spe_core_putc
/* Check the input parameter */
cbz x1, putc_error
......@@ -95,32 +102,48 @@ func console_core_putc
mov w0, #-1
endfunc console_core_putc
endfunc console_spe_core_putc
/* --------------------------------------------------------
* int console_spe_putc(int c, console_spe_t *console)
* Function to output a character over the console. It
* returns the character printed on success or -1 on error.
* In : w0 - character to be printed
* x1 - pointer to console_t structure
* Out : return -1 on error else return character.
* Clobber list : x2
* --------------------------------------------------------
func console_spe_putc
ldr x1, [x1, #CONSOLE_T_DRVDATA]
b console_spe_core_putc
endfunc console_spe_putc
/* ---------------------------------------------
* int console_core_getc(uintptr_t base_addr)
* int console_spe_getc(console_spe_t *console)
* Function to get a character from the console.
* It returns the character grabbed on success
* or -1 on error.
* In : x0 - console base address
* or -1 if no character is available.
* In : x0 - pointer to console_t structure
* Out: w0 - character if available, else -1
* Clobber list : x0, x1
* ---------------------------------------------
func console_core_getc
func console_spe_getc
mov w0, #-1
endfunc console_core_getc
endfunc console_spe_getc
/* ---------------------------------------------
* int console_core_flush(uintptr_t base_addr)
/* -------------------------------------------------
* int console_spe_core_flush(uintptr_t base_addr)
* Function to force a write of all buffered
* data that hasn't been output.
* In : x0 - console base address
* Out : return -1 on error else return 0.
* Clobber list : x0, x1
* ---------------------------------------------
* -------------------------------------------------
func console_core_flush
func console_spe_core_flush
cbz x0, flush_error
/* flush console */
......@@ -131,4 +154,18 @@ func console_core_flush
mov w0, #-1
endfunc console_core_flush
endfunc console_spe_core_flush
/* ---------------------------------------------
* int console_spe_flush(console_spe_t *console)
* Function to force a write of all buffered
* data that hasn't been output.
* In : x0 - pointer to console_t structure
* Out : return -1 on error else return 0.
* Clobber list : x0, x1
* ---------------------------------------------
func console_spe_flush
ldr x0, [x0, #CONSOLE_T_DRVDATA]
b console_spe_core_flush
endfunc console_spe_flush
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2015-2019, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
......@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ IMPORT_SYM(uint64_t, __TEXT_START__, TEXT_START);
extern uint64_t tegra_bl31_phys_base;
extern uint64_t tegra_console_base;
static entry_point_info_t bl33_image_ep_info, bl32_image_ep_info;
static plat_params_from_bl2_t plat_bl31_params_from_bl2 = {
......@@ -130,9 +129,10 @@ void bl31_early_platform_setup2(u_register_t arg0, u_register_t arg1,
struct tegra_bl31_params *arg_from_bl2 = (struct tegra_bl31_params *) arg0;
plat_params_from_bl2_t *plat_params = (plat_params_from_bl2_t *)arg1;
image_info_t bl32_img_info = { {0} };
uint64_t tzdram_start, tzdram_end, bl32_start, bl32_end;
uint64_t tzdram_start, tzdram_end, bl32_start, bl32_end, console_base;
uint32_t console_clock;
int32_t ret;
static console_16550_t console;
* For RESET_TO_BL31 systems, BL31 is the first bootloader to run so
......@@ -194,14 +194,18 @@ void bl31_early_platform_setup2(u_register_t arg0, u_register_t arg1,
* Get the base address of the UART controller to be used for the
* console
tegra_console_base = plat_get_console_from_id(plat_params->uart_id);
console_base = plat_get_console_from_id(plat_params->uart_id);
if (tegra_console_base != 0U) {
if (console_base != 0U) {
* Configure the UART port to be used as the console
(void)console_init(tegra_console_base, console_clock,
console_set_scope(&console.console, CONSOLE_FLAG_BOOT |
......@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ TEGRA_GICv2_SOURCES := drivers/arm/gic/common/gic_common.c \
plat/common/plat_gicv2.c \
BL31_SOURCES += drivers/console/aarch64/console.S \
drivers/delay_timer/delay_timer.c \
BL31_SOURCES += drivers/delay_timer/delay_timer.c \
drivers/io/io_storage.c \
plat/common/aarch64/crash_console_helpers.S \
${COMMON_DIR}/aarch64/tegra_helpers.S \
${COMMON_DIR}/drivers/pmc/pmc.c \
......@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
extern uint64_t tegra_bl31_phys_base;
extern uint64_t tegra_sec_entry_point;
extern uint64_t tegra_console_base;
* tegra_fake_system_suspend acts as a boolean var controlling whether
......@@ -219,7 +218,8 @@ void tegra_pwr_domain_suspend(const psci_power_state_t *target_state)
/* Disable console if we are entering deep sleep. */
if (target_state->pwr_domain_state[PLAT_MAX_PWR_LVL] ==
/* disable GICC */
......@@ -269,7 +269,6 @@ __dead2 void tegra_pwr_domain_power_down_wfi(const psci_power_state_t
void tegra_pwr_domain_on_finish(const psci_power_state_t *target_state)
const plat_params_from_bl2_t *plat_params;
uint32_t console_clock;
* Initialize the GIC cpu and distributor interfaces
......@@ -282,20 +281,8 @@ void tegra_pwr_domain_on_finish(const psci_power_state_t *target_state)
if (target_state->pwr_domain_state[PLAT_MAX_PWR_LVL] ==
* Reference clock used by the FPGAs is a lot slower.
if (tegra_platform_is_fpga()) {
console_clock = TEGRA_BOOT_UART_CLK_13_MHZ;
} else {
console_clock = TEGRA_BOOT_UART_CLK_408_MHZ;
/* Initialize the runtime console */
if (tegra_console_base != 0ULL) {
(void)console_init(tegra_console_base, console_clock,
/* Restart console output. */
* Restore Memory Controller settings as it loses state
* Copyright (c) 2015-2017, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2015-2019, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <arch.h>
#include <arch_helpers.h>
#include <drivers/ti/uart/uart_16550.h>
#include <lib/psci/psci.h>
#include <lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_v2.h>
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