Commit f0b489c1 authored by Dan Handley's avatar Dan Handley
Browse files

Move stdlib header files to include/lib/stdlib

* Move stdlib header files from include/stdlib to include/lib/stdlib for
  consistency with other library headers.
* Fix checkpatch paths to continue excluding stdlib files.
* Create to define the stdlib source files and include directories.
* Include from the top level Makefile.
* Update stdlib header path in the fip_create Makefile.
* Update with the new paths.

Change-Id: Ia92c2dc572e9efb54a783e306b5ceb2ce24d27fa
parent a7e53033
......@@ -112,11 +112,26 @@ CHECK_IGNORE := --ignore COMPLEX_MACRO \
--ignore GIT_COMMIT_ID
CHECKPATCH_ARGS := --no-tree --no-signoff ${CHECK_IGNORE}
CHECKCODE_ARGS := --no-patch --no-tree --no-signoff ${CHECK_IGNORE}
# Do not check the coding style on C library files or documentation files
INCLUDE_DIRS_TO_CHECK := $(sort $(filter-out include/stdlib, $(wildcard include/*)))
LIB_DIRS_TO_CHECK := $(sort $(filter-out lib/stdlib, $(wildcard lib/*)))
ROOT_DIRS_TO_CHECK := $(sort $(filter-out lib include docs, $(wildcard *)))
# Do not check the coding style on imported library files or documentation files
INC_LIB_DIRS_TO_CHECK := $(sort $(filter-out \
include/lib/stdlib, \
$(wildcard include/lib/*)))
INC_DIRS_TO_CHECK := $(sort $(filter-out \
include/lib, \
$(wildcard include/*)))
LIB_DIRS_TO_CHECK := $(sort $(filter-out \
lib/stdlib, \
$(wildcard lib/*)))
ROOT_DIRS_TO_CHECK := $(sort $(filter-out \
lib \
include \
docs \, \
$(wildcard *)))
......@@ -193,26 +208,15 @@ LDFLAGS += --gc-sections
# Common sources and include directories
include lib/stdlib/
BL_COMMON_SOURCES += common/bl_common.c \
common/tf_printf.c \
common/aarch64/debug.S \
lib/aarch64/cache_helpers.S \
lib/aarch64/misc_helpers.S \
lib/stdlib/abort.c \
lib/stdlib/assert.c \
lib/stdlib/exit.c \
lib/stdlib/mem.c \
lib/stdlib/printf.c \
lib/stdlib/putchar.c \
lib/stdlib/puts.c \
lib/stdlib/sscanf.c \
lib/stdlib/strchr.c \
lib/stdlib/strcmp.c \
lib/stdlib/strlen.c \
lib/stdlib/strncmp.c \
lib/stdlib/subr_prf.c \
plat/common/aarch64/platform_helpers.S \
INCLUDES += -Iinclude/bl1 \
-Iinclude/bl31 \
......@@ -227,8 +231,6 @@ INCLUDES += -Iinclude/bl1 \
-Iinclude/lib/aarch64 \
-Iinclude/lib/cpus/aarch64 \
-Iinclude/plat/common \
-Iinclude/stdlib \
-Iinclude/stdlib/sys \
......@@ -2035,12 +2035,12 @@ library only contains those C library definitions required by the local
implementation. If more functionality is required, the needed library functions
will need to be added to the local implementation.
Versions of [FreeBSD] headers can be found in `include/stdlib`. Some of these
headers have been cut down in order to simplify the implementation. In order to
minimize changes to the header files, the [FreeBSD] layout has been maintained.
The generic C library definitions can be found in `include/stdlib` with more
system and machine specific declarations in `include/stdlib/sys` and
Versions of [FreeBSD] headers can be found in `include/lib/stdlib`. Some of
these headers have been cut down in order to simplify the implementation. In
order to minimize changes to the header files, the [FreeBSD] layout has been
maintained. The generic C library definitions can be found in
`include/lib/stdlib` with more system and machine specific declarations in
`include/lib/stdlib/sys` and `include/lib/stdlib/machine`.
The local C library implementations can be found in `lib/stdlib`. In order to
extend the C library these files may need to be modified. It is recommended to
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