Commit f426fc05 authored by Soby Mathew's avatar Soby Mathew
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PSCI: Introduce PSCI Library argument structure

This patch introduces a `psci_lib_args_t` structure which must be
passed into `psci_setup()` which is then used to initialize the PSCI
library. The `psci_lib_args_t` is a versioned structure so as to enable
compatibility checks during library initialization. Both BL31 and SP_MIN
are modified to use the new structure.

SP_MIN is also modified to add version string and build message as part
of its cold boot log just like the other BLs in Trusted Firmware.

NOTE: Please be aware that this patch modifies the prototype of
`psci_setup()`, which breaks compatibility with EL3 Runtime Firmware
(excluding BL31 and SP_MIN) integrated with the PSCI Library.

Change-Id: Ic3761db0b790760a7ad664d8a437c72ea5edbcd6
Showing with 59 additions and 12 deletions
+59 -12
......@@ -58,13 +58,16 @@ static uint32_t next_image_type = NON_SECURE;
void bl31_lib_init(void)
/* Setup the arguments for PSCI Library */
DEFINE_STATIC_PSCI_LIB_ARGS_V1(psci_args, bl31_warm_entrypoint);
* Initialize the PSCI library here. This also does EL3 architectural
* setup.
......@@ -156,14 +156,20 @@ static void sp_min_prepare_next_image_entry(void)
void sp_min_main(void)
/* Perform platform setup in TSP MIN */
/* Setup the arguments for PSCI Library */
DEFINE_STATIC_PSCI_LIB_ARGS_V1(psci_args, sp_min_warm_entrypoint);
NOTICE("SP_MIN: %s\n", version_string);
NOTICE("SP_MIN: %s\n", build_message);
/* Perform the SP_MIN platform setup */
* Initialize the PSCI library and perform the remaining generic
* architectural setup from PSCI.
* Initialize the runtime services e.g. psci
......@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
#define PARAM_BL31 0x03
#define PARAM_BL_LOAD_INFO 0x04
#define PARAM_BL_PARAMS 0x05
#define PARAM_PSCI_LIB_ARGS 0x06
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#define __PSCI_H__
#include <bakery_lock.h>
#include <bl_common.h>
#include <platform_def.h> /* for PLAT_NUM_PWR_DOMAINS */
#include <psci_compat.h>
......@@ -356,10 +357,45 @@ void psci_arch_setup(void);
void psci_entrypoint(void) __deprecated;
* Forward declarations
struct entry_point_info;
* Function prototype for the warmboot entrypoint function which will be
* programmed in the mailbox by the platform.
typedef void (*mailbox_entrypoint_t)(void);
* Structure to pass PSCI Library arguments.
typedef struct psci_lib_args {
/* The version information of PSCI Library Interface */
param_header_t h;
/* The warm boot entrypoint function */
mailbox_entrypoint_t mailbox_ep;
} psci_lib_args_t;
/* Helper macro to set the psci_lib_args_t structure at runtime */
#define SET_PSCI_LIB_ARGS_V1(_p, _entry) do { \
(_p)->mailbox_ep = (_entry); \
} while (0)
/* Helper macro to define the psci_lib_args_t statically */
#define DEFINE_STATIC_PSCI_LIB_ARGS_V1(_name, _entry) \
static const psci_lib_args_t (_name) = { \
.h.type = (uint8_t)PARAM_PSCI_LIB_ARGS, \
.h.version = (uint8_t)VERSION_1, \
.h.size = (uint16_t)sizeof(_name), \
.h.attr = 0, \
.mailbox_ep = (_entry) \
/* Helper macro to verify the pointer to psci_lib_args_t structure */
#define VERIFY_PSCI_LIB_ARGS_V1(_p) ((_p) \
&& ((_p)->h.type == PARAM_PSCI_LIB_ARGS) \
&& ((_p)->h.version == VERSION_1) \
&& ((_p)->h.size == sizeof(*(_p))) \
&& ((_p)->h.attr == 0) \
&& ((_p)->mailbox_ep))
* PSCI Library Interfaces
......@@ -372,11 +408,11 @@ u_register_t psci_smc_handler(uint32_t smc_fid,
void *cookie,
void *handle,
u_register_t flags);
int psci_setup(uintptr_t mailbox_ep);
int psci_setup(const psci_lib_args_t *lib_args);
void psci_warmboot_entrypoint(void);
void psci_register_spd_pm_hook(const spd_pm_ops_t *pm);
void psci_prepare_next_non_secure_ctx(
struct entry_point_info *next_image_info);
entry_point_info_t *next_image_info);
#endif /*__ASSEMBLY__*/
......@@ -206,10 +206,12 @@ static void populate_power_domain_tree(const unsigned char *topology)
* | CPU 0 | CPU 1 | CPU 2 | CPU 3 |
* ------------------------------------------------
int psci_setup(uintptr_t mailbox_ep)
int psci_setup(const psci_lib_args_t *lib_args)
const unsigned char *topology_tree;
/* Do the Architectural initialization */
......@@ -234,8 +236,7 @@ int psci_setup(uintptr_t mailbox_ep)
plat_setup_psci_ops(mailbox_ep, &psci_plat_pm_ops);
plat_setup_psci_ops((uintptr_t)lib_args->mailbox_ep, &psci_plat_pm_ops);
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