Unverified Commit fd50c18a authored by davidcunado-arm's avatar davidcunado-arm Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #1289 from sandrine-bailleux-arm/topics/sb/juno-scmi-by-default

Select SCMI/SDS drivers by default on Juno
parents bd8e6a99 01e808c6
......@@ -102,6 +102,10 @@ ARM_BOARD_OPTIMISE_MEM := 1
# Do not enable SVE
# Select SCMI/SDS drivers instead of SCPI/BOM driver for communicating with the
# SCP during power management operations and for SCP RAM Firmware transfer.
include plat/arm/board/common/board_css.mk
include plat/arm/common/arm_common.mk
include plat/arm/soc/common/soc_css.mk
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