1. 11 May, 2018 1 commit
    • Chris Kay's avatar
      plat/arm: Fix incorrect number of reserved memory map entries · 3450fd62
      Chris Kay authored
      There are three calls to mmap_add_region() that always occur in
      arm_setup_page_tables(), and two further calls based on whether coherent
      memory is enabled, and whether SPM is enabled in BL31.
      This commit adapts the ARM_BL_REGIONS definition to match the number of
      calls made inside arm_setup_page_tables() so that the MAX_MMAP_REGIONS
      is realigned with what is actually occurring.
      Change-Id: I7adc05951abccf2cbd5c86280eb874911e6a1566
      Signed-off-by: default avatarChris Kay <chris.kay@arm.com>
  2. 27 Feb, 2018 1 commit
  3. 26 Feb, 2018 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      ARM Platorms: Load TB_FW_CONFIG in BL1 · c228956a
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch modifies the bl1_platform_setup() API to load and authenticate
      TB_FW_CONFIG in BL1. The load address of the same is passed on to BL2 in
      `arg0` of entrypoint info. The fvp_io_storage.c and arm_io_storage.c also
      adds entries corresponding to TB_FW_CONFIG. A helper function
      `arm_load_tb_fw_config()` is added to load and authenticate TB_FW_CONFIG
      if present.
      Change-Id: Ie7bce667b3fad2b1a083bbcbc0a773f9f04254b1
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  4. 18 Jan, 2018 1 commit
    • Roberto Vargas's avatar
      bl2-el3: Add BL2 at EL3 support in FVP · 81528dbc
      Roberto Vargas authored
      This patch add supports for the new API added for BL2 at EL3 for
      FVP. We don't have a non-TF Boot ROM for FVP, but this option can be
      tested setting specific parameters in the model.
      The bl2 image is loaded directly in memory instead of being loaded
      by a non-TF Boot ROM and the reset address is changed:
      	--data cluster0.cpu0=bl2.bin@0x4001000
      	-C cluster0.cpu0.RVBAR=0x4001000
      These parameters mean that in the cold boot path the processor will
      jump to BL2 again. For this reason, BL2 is loaded in dram in this
      case, to avoid other images reclaiming BL2 memory.
      Change-Id: Ieb2ff8535a9e67ccebcd8c2212cad366e7776422
      Signed-off-by: default avatarRoberto Vargas <roberto.vargas@arm.com>
  5. 19 Dec, 2017 1 commit
  6. 29 Nov, 2017 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      ARM platforms: Fixup AArch32 builds · 5744e874
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch fixes a couple of issues for AArch32 builds on ARM reference
      platforms :
      1. The arm_def.h previously defined the same BL32_BASE value for AArch64 and
         AArch32 build. Since BL31 is not present in AArch32 mode, this meant that
         the BL31 memory is empty when built for AArch32. Hence this patch allocates
         BL32 to the memory region occupied by BL31 for AArch32 builds.
         As a side-effect of this change, the ARM_TSP_RAM_LOCATION macro cannot
         be used to control the load address of BL32 in AArch32 mode which was
         never the intention of the macro anyway.
      2. A static assert is added to sp_min linker script to check that the progbits
         are within the bounds expected when overlaid with other images.
      3. Fix specifying `SPD` when building Juno for AArch32 mode. Due to the quirks
         involved when building Juno for AArch32 mode, the build option SPD needed to
         specifed. This patch corrects this and also updates the documentation in the
      4. Exclude BL31 from the build and FIP when building Juno for AArch32 mode. As
         a result the previous assumption that BL31 must be always present is removed
         and the certificates for BL31 is only generated if `NEED_BL31` is defined.
      Change-Id: I1c39bbc0abd2be8fbe9f2dea2e9cb4e3e3e436a8
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  7. 13 Nov, 2017 2 commits
  8. 09 Nov, 2017 1 commit
  9. 16 Oct, 2017 1 commit
    • Jeenu Viswambharan's avatar
      ARM platforms: Migrate to using interrupt properties · b2c363b1
      Jeenu Viswambharan authored
      An earlier patch added provision for the platform to provide secure
      interrupt properties. ARM platforms already has a list of interrupts
      that fall into different secure groups.
      This patch defines macros that enumerate interrupt properties in the
      same fashion, and points the driver driver data to a list of interrupt
      properties rather than list of secure interrupts on ARM platforms.  The
      deprecated interrupt list definitions are however retained to support
      legacy builds.
      Configuration applied to individual interrupts remain unchanged, so no
      runtime behaviour change expected.
      NOTE: Platforms that use the arm/common function
      plat_arm_gic_driver_init() must replace their PLAT_ARM_G1S_IRQS and
      PLAT_ARM_G0_IRQS macro definitions with PLAT_ARM_G1S_IRQ_PROPS and
      PLAT_ARM_G0_IRQ_PROPS macros respectively, using the provided
      INTR_PROP_DESC macro.
      Change-Id: I24d643b83e3333753a3ba97d4b6fb71e16bb0952
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJeenu Viswambharan <jeenu.viswambharan@arm.com>
  10. 11 Oct, 2017 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      ARM platforms: Add support for EL3 TZC memory region · a22dffc6
      Soby Mathew authored
      Some recent enhancements to EL3 runtime firmware like support for
      save and restoring GICv3 register context during system_suspend
      necessitates additional data memory for the firmware. This patch
      introduces support for creating a TZC secured DDR carveout for use
      by ARM reference platforms. A new linker section `el3_tzc_dram` is
      created using platform supplied linker script and data marked with
      the attribute `arm_el3_tzc_dram` will be placed in this section.
      The FVP makefile now defines the `PLAT_EXTRA_LD_SCRIPT` variable to
      allow inclusion of the platform linker script by the top level BL31
      linker script.
      Change-Id: I0e7f4a75a6ac51419c667875ff2677043df1585d
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  11. 25 Sep, 2017 1 commit
    • Roberto Vargas's avatar
      mem_protect: Add DRAM2 to the list of mem protected ranges · b09ba056
      Roberto Vargas authored
      On ARM platforms, the maximum size of the address space is limited
      to 32-bits as defined in arm_def.h. In order to access DRAM2, which
      is defined beyond the 32-bit address space, the maximum address space
      is increased to 36-bits in AArch64. It is possible to increase the
      virtual space for AArch32, but it is more difficult and not supported
      for now.
      NOTE - the actual maximum memory address space is platform dependent
      and is checked at run-time by querying the PARange field in the
      ID_AA64MMFR0_EL1 register.
      Change-Id: I6cb05c78a63b1fed96db9a9773faca04a5b93d67
      Signed-off-by: default avatarRoberto Vargas <roberto.vargas@arm.com>
  12. 12 Sep, 2017 1 commit
    • Qixiang Xu's avatar
      plat/arm: Fix BL31_BASE when RESET_TO_BL31=1 · fd5763ea
      Qixiang Xu authored
      The value of BL31_BASE currently depends on the size of BL31. This
      causes problems in the RESET_TO_BL31 case because the value of
      BL31_BASE is used in the model launch parameters, which often changes.
      Therefore, this patch fixes BL31_BASE to the middle of Trusted SRAM,
      to avoid further model parameter changes in future.
      Change-Id: I6d7fa4fe293717d84768974679539c0e0cb6d935
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid Cunado <david.cunado@arm.com>
  13. 06 Sep, 2017 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Fix JUNO AArch32 build · ba6c31da
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch fixes the inconsistency with regards as to how
      BL2_BASE/BL2U_BASE and BL2_LIMIT/BL2U_LIMIT macros are defined
      when building Juno to run in AArch32 mode at EL3. In this case,
      BL32 is compiled for AArch32 whereas BL1 and BL2 are compiled
      for AArch64. This resulted in BL32 conditionally compiling a
      different definition of the above mentioned macros from BL1/BL2.
      This is fixed by taking into consideration the
      JUNO_AARCH32_EL3_RUNTIME build flag as well in the conditional
      compilation check.
      Change-Id: I27ac68aa4df0502089c1739c05366a9c509eb5be
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  14. 05 Sep, 2017 1 commit
  15. 31 Aug, 2017 1 commit
  16. 25 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • Jens Wiklander's avatar
      ARM plat: change OP-TEE pageable load base · 04f72bae
      Jens Wiklander authored
      ARM_OPTEE_PAGEABLE_LOAD_SIZE is also increased to 4MB to optimize
      translation table usage.
      This change makes loading of paged part easier inside OP-TEE OS as the
      previous location of ARM_OPTEE_PAGEABLE_LOAD_BASE normally isn't mapped
      if paging is enabled.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJens Wiklander <jens.wiklander@linaro.org>
  17. 09 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • Summer Qin's avatar
      Add Trusted OS extra image parsing support for ARM standard platforms · 54661cd2
      Summer Qin authored
      Trusted OS may have extra images to be loaded. Load them one by one
      and do the parsing. In this patch, ARM TF need to load up to 3 images
      for optee os: header, pager and paged images. Header image is the info
      about optee os and images. Pager image include pager code and data.
      Paged image include the paging parts using virtual memory.
      Change-Id: Ia3bcfa6d8a3ed7850deb5729654daca7b00be394
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSummer Qin <summer.qin@arm.com>
  18. 28 Jun, 2017 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      ARM plat changes to enable CryptoCell integration · e60f2af9
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch makes the necessary changes to enable ARM platform to
      successfully integrate CryptoCell during Trusted Board Boot. The
      changes are as follows:
      * A new build option `ARM_CRYPTOCELL_INTEG` is introduced to select
        the CryptoCell crypto driver for Trusted Board boot.
      * The TrustZone filter settings for Non Secure DRAM is modified
        to allow CryptoCell to read this memory. This is required to
        authenticate BL33 which is loaded into the Non Secure DDR.
      * The CSS platforms are modified to use coherent stacks in BL1 and BL2
        when CryptoCell crypto is selected. This is because CryptoCell makes
        use of DMA to transfer data and the CryptoCell SBROM library allocates
        buffers on the stack during signature/hash verification.
      Change-Id: I1e6f6dcd1899784f1edeabfa2a9f279bbfb90e31
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  19. 15 May, 2017 2 commits
  20. 03 May, 2017 1 commit
  21. 29 Apr, 2017 1 commit
    • Scott Branden's avatar
      Move defines in utils.h to utils_def.h to fix shared header compile issues · 53d9c9c8
      Scott Branden authored
      utils.h is included in various header files for the defines in it.
      Some of the other header files only contain defines.  This allows the
      header files to be shared between host and target builds for shared defines.
      Recently types.h has been included in utils.h as well as some function
      Because of the inclusion of types.h conflicts exist building host tools
      abd these header files now.  To solve this problem,
      move the defines to utils_def.h and have this included by utils.h and
      change header files to only include utils_def.h and not pick up the new
      types.h being introduced.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#461
      Signed-off-by: default avatarScott Branden <scott.branden@broadcom.com>
      Remove utils_def.h from utils.h
      This patch removes utils_def.h from utils.h as it is not required.
      And also makes a minor change to ensure Juno platform compiles.
      Change-Id: I10cf1fb51e44a8fa6dcec02980354eb9ecc9fa29
  22. 03 Apr, 2017 1 commit
    • Douglas Raillard's avatar
      Fix ARM_BL31_IN_DRAM build · f9608bc8
      Douglas Raillard authored
      Some header files using the ULL() macro were not directly including
      utils.h where the macro definition resides. As a consequence, a linker
      script with values using this macro did not see the macro definition
      and kept the "ULL(<value>)" call in the preprocessed file, which lead to
      link error.
      Files using ULL() macro now include utils.h directly.
      Change-Id: I433a7f36bd21a156c20e69bc2a2bb406140ebdf9
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDouglas Raillard <douglas.raillard@arm.com>
  23. 08 Mar, 2017 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      ARM platforms: Enable xlat tables lib v2 · bf75a371
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      Modify ARM common makefile to use version 2 of the translation tables
      library and include the new header in C files.
      Simplify header dependencies related to this library to simplify the
      The following table contains information about the size increase in
      bytes for BL1 after applying this patch. The code has been compiled for
      different configurations of FVP in AArch64 mode with compiler GCC 4.9.3
      20150413. The sizes have been calculated with the output of `nm` by
      adding the size of all regions and comparing the total size before and
      after the change. They are sumarized in the table below:
                                     text   bss   data  total
              Release                +660   -20    +88   +728
              Debug                  +740   -20   +242   +962
              Debug (LOG_LEVEL=50)  +1120   -20   +317  +1417
      Change-Id: I539e307f158ab71e3a8b771640001fc1bf431b29
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <antonio.ninodiaz@arm.com>
  24. 26 Jan, 2017 1 commit
    • David Cunado's avatar
      Resolve build errors flagged by GCC 6.2 · 9edac047
      David Cunado authored
      With GCC 6.2 compiler, more C undefined behaviour is being flagged as
      warnings, which result in build errors in ARM TF build.
      The specific issue that this patch resolves is the use of (1 << 31),
      which is predominantly used in case statements, where 1 is represented
      as a signed int. When shifted to msb the behaviour is undefined.
      The resolution is to specify 1 as an unsigned int using a convenience
      macro ULL(). A duplicate macro MAKE_ULL() is replaced.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#438
      Change-Id: I08e3053bbcf4c022ee2be33a75bd0056da4073e1
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid Cunado <david.cunado@arm.com>
  25. 13 Dec, 2016 1 commit
  26. 10 Aug, 2016 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      AArch32: Add essential ARM platform and FVP support · 877cf3ff
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch adds AArch32 support for FVP and implements common platform APIs
      like `plat_get_my_stack`, `plat_set_my_stack`, `plat_my_core_cos` for AArch32.
      Only Multi Processor(MP) implementations of these functions are considered in
      this patch. The ARM Standard platform layer helpers are implemented for
      AArch32 and the common makefiles are modified to cater for both AArch64 and
      AArch32 builds. Compatibility with the deprecated platform API is not
      supported for AArch32.
      Change-Id: Iad228400613eec91abf731b49e21a15bcf2833ea
  27. 08 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      Remove BL32_BASE when building without SPD for FVP · 81d139d5
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      Previously, when building TF without SPD support, BL2 tried to load a
      BL32 image from the FIP and fails to find one, which resulted on
      warning messages on the console. Even if there is a BL32 image in the
      FIP it shouldn't be loaded because there is no way to transfer
      control to the Secure Payload without SPD support.
      The Makefile has been modified to pass a define of the form
      SPD_${SPD} to the source code the same way it's done for PLAT. The
      define SPD_none is then used to undefine BL32_BASE when BL32 is not
      used to prevent BL2 from trying to load a BL32 image and failing,
      thus removing the warning messages mentioned above.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#287
      Change-Id: Ifeb6f1c26935efb76afd353fea88e87ba09e9658
  28. 31 Mar, 2016 1 commit
    • David Wang's avatar
      Add support to load BL31 in DRAM · 4518dd9a
      David Wang authored
      This patch adds an option to the ARM common platforms to load BL31 in the
      TZC secured DRAM instead of the default secure SRAM.
      To enable this feature, set `ARM_BL31_IN_DRAM` to 1 in build options.
      If TSP is present, then setting this option also sets the TSP location
      to DRAM and ignores the `ARM_TSP_RAM_LOCATION` build flag.
      To use this feature, BL2 platform code must map in the DRAM used by
      BL31. The macro ARM_MAP_BL31_SEC_DRAM is provided for this purpose.
      Currently, only the FVP BL2 platform code maps in this DRAM.
      Change-Id: If5f7cc9deb569cfe68353a174d4caa48acd78d67
  29. 22 Feb, 2016 1 commit
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      Fix the inconsistencies in bl1_tbbr_image_descs[] · 843ddee4
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      This patch fixes inconsistencies in bl1_tbbr_image_descs[]
      and miscellaneous fixes in Firmware Update code.
      Following are the changes:
      * As part of the original FWU changes, a `copied_size`
        field was added to `image_info_t`. This was a subtle binary
        compatibility break because it changed the size of the
        `bl31_params_t` struct, which could cause problems if
        somebody used different versions of BL2 or BL31, one with
        the old `image_info_t` and one with the new version.
        This patch put the `copied_size` within the `image_desc_t`.
      * EXECUTABLE flag is now stored in `ep_info.h.attr` in place
        of `image_info.h.attr`, associating it to an entrypoint.
      * The `image_info.image_base` is only relevant for secure
        images that are copied from non-secure memory into secure
        memory. This patch removes initializing `image_base` for
        non secure images in the bl1_tbbr_image_descs[].
      * A new macro `SET_STATIC_PARAM_HEAD` is added for populating
        bl1_tbbr_image_descs[].ep_info/image_info.h members statically.
        The version, image_type and image attributes are now
        populated using this new macro.
      * Added PLAT_ARM_NVM_BASE and PLAT_ARM_NVM_SIZE to avoid direct
        usage of V2M_FLASH0_XXX in plat/arm/common/arm_bl1_fwu.c.
      * Refactoring of code/macros related to SECURE and EXECUTABLE flags.
            OR USE the "EXECUTABLE" BIT WITHIN `image_info_t.h.attr`
            OR USE THEIR OWN `image_desc_t` ARRAY IN BL1, MAY BE
      Change-Id: Id4e5989af7bf0ed263d19d3751939da1169b561d
  30. 19 Feb, 2016 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Allow multi cluster topology definitions for ARM platforms · 0108047a
      Soby Mathew authored
      The common topology description helper funtions and macros for
      ARM Standard platforms assumed a dual cluster system. This is not
      flexible enough to scale to multi cluster platforms. This patch does
      the following changes for more flexibility in defining topology:
      1. The `plat_get_power_domain_tree_desc()` definition is moved from
         `arm_topology.c` to platform specific files, that is `fvp_topology.c`
         and `juno_topology.c`. Similarly the common definition of the porting
         macro `PLATFORM_CORE_COUNT` in `arm_def.h` is moved to platform
         specific `platform_def.h` header.
      2. The ARM common layer porting macros which were dual cluster specific
         are now removed and a new macro PLAT_ARM_CLUSTER_COUNT is introduced
         which must be defined by each ARM standard platform.
      3. A new mandatory ARM common layer porting API
         `plat_arm_get_cluster_core_count()` is introduced to enable the common
         implementation of `arm_check_mpidr()` to validate MPIDR.
      4. For the FVP platforms, a new build option `FVP_NUM_CLUSTERS` has been
         introduced which allows the user to specify the cluster count to be
         used to build the topology tree within Trusted Firmare. This enables
         Trusted Firmware to be built for multi cluster FVP models.
      Change-Id: Ie7a2e38e5661fe2fdb2c8fdf5641d2b2614c2b6b
  31. 18 Feb, 2016 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      ARM platforms: rationalise memory attributes of shared memory · 74eb26e4
      Juan Castillo authored
      The shared memory region on ARM platforms contains the mailboxes and,
      on Juno, the payload area for communication with the SCP. This shared
      memory may be configured as normal memory or device memory at build
      time by setting the platform flag 'PLAT_ARM_SHARED_RAM_CACHED' (on
      Juno, the value of this flag is defined by 'MHU_PAYLOAD_CACHED').
      When set as normal memory, the platform port performs the corresponding
      cache maintenance operations. From a functional point of view, this is
      the equivalent of setting the shared memory as device memory, so there
      is no need to maintain both options.
      This patch removes the option to specify the shared memory as normal
      memory on ARM platforms. Shared memory is always treated as device
      memory. Cache maintenance operations are no longer needed and have
      been replaced by data memory barriers to guarantee that payload and
      MHU are accessed in the right order.
      Change-Id: I7f958621d6a536dd4f0fa8768385eedc4295e79f
  32. 11 Feb, 2016 1 commit
    • Vikram Kanigiri's avatar
      Re-factor definition of some macros on ARM platforms · ecf70f7b
      Vikram Kanigiri authored
      This patch moves the definition of some macros used only on
      ARM platforms from common headers to platform specific headers.
      It also forces all ARM standard platforms to have distinct
      definitions (even if they are usually the same).
       1. `PLAT_ARM_TZC_BASE` and `PLAT_ARM_NSTIMER_FRAME_ID` have been
           moved from `css_def.h` to `platform_def.h`.
       2. `MHU_BASE` used in CSS platforms is moved from common css_def.h
          to platform specific header `platform_def.h` on Juno and
          renamed as `PLAT_ARM_MHU_BASE`.
       3. To cater for different sizes of BL images, new macros like
          `PLAT_ARM_MAX_BL31_SIZE` have been created for each BL image. All
          ARM platforms need to define them for each image.
      Change-Id: I9255448bddfad734b387922aa9e68d2117338c3f
  33. 14 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  34. 09 Dec, 2015 2 commits
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      FWU: Add Firmware Update support in BL1 for ARM platforms · 436223de
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      This patch adds Firmware Update support for ARM platforms.
      New files arm_bl1_fwu.c and juno_bl1_setup.c were added to provide
      platform specific Firmware update code.
      BL1 now includes mmap entry for `ARM_MAP_NS_DRAM1` to map DRAM for
      authenticating NS_BL2U image(For both FVP and JUNO platform).
      Change-Id: Ie116cd83f5dc00aa53d904c2f1beb23d58926555
    • Achin Gupta's avatar
      Rework use of ARM GIC drivers on ARM platforms · 27573c59
      Achin Gupta authored
      Suport for ARM GIC v2.0 and v3.0 drivers has been reworked to create three
      separate drivers instead of providing a single driver that can work on both
      versions of the GIC architecture. These drivers correspond to the following
      software use cases:
      1. A GICv2 only driver that can run only on ARM GIC v2.0 implementations
         e.g. GIC-400
      2. A GICv3 only driver that can run only on ARM GIC v3.0 implementations
         e.g. GIC-500 in a mode where all interrupt regimes use GICv3 features
      3. A deprecated GICv3 driver that operates in legacy mode. This driver can
         operate only in the GICv2 mode in the secure world. On a GICv3 system, this
         driver allows normal world to run in either GICv3 mode (asymmetric mode)
         or in the GICv2 mode. Both modes of operation are deprecated on GICv3
      ARM platforms implement both versions of the GIC architecture. This patch adds a
      layer of abstraction to help ARM platform ports chose the right GIC driver and
      corresponding platform support. This is as described below:
      1. A set of ARM common functions have been introduced to initialise the GIC and
         the driver during cold and warm boot. These functions are prefixed as
         "plat_arm_gic_". Weak definitions of these functions have been provided for
         each type of driver.
      2. Each platform includes the sources that implement the right functions
         directly into the its makefile. The FVP can be instantiated with different
         versions of the GIC architecture. It uses the FVP_USE_GIC_DRIVER build option
         to specify which of the three drivers should be included in the build.
      3. A list of secure interrupts has to be provided to initialise each of the
        three GIC drivers. For GIC v3.0 the interrupt ids have to be further
        categorised as Group 0 and Group 1 Secure interrupts. For GIC v2.0, the two
        types are merged and treated as Group 0 interrupts.
        The two lists of interrupts are exported from the platform_def.h. The lists
        are constructed by adding a list of board specific interrupt ids to a list of
        ids common to all ARM platforms and Compute sub-systems.
      This patch also makes some fields of `arm_config` data structure in FVP redundant
      and these unused fields are removed.
      Change-Id: Ibc8c087be7a8a6b041b78c2c3bd0c648cd2035d8
  35. 02 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: add Trusted Watchdog support on ARM platforms · 7b4c1405
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch adds watchdog support on ARM platforms (FVP and Juno).
      A secure instance of SP805 is used as Trusted Watchdog. It is
      entirely managed in BL1, being enabled in the early platform setup
      hook and disabled in the exit hook. By default, the watchdog is
      enabled in every build (even when TBB is disabled).
      A new ARM platform specific build option `ARM_DISABLE_TRUSTED_WDOG`
      has been introduced to allow the user to disable the watchdog at
      build time. This feature may be used for testing or debugging
      Specific error handlers for Juno and FVP are also provided in this
      patch. These handlers will be called after an image load or
      authentication error. On FVP, the Table of Contents (ToC) in the FIP
      is erased. On Juno, the corresponding error code is stored in the
      V2M Non-Volatile flags register. In both cases, the CPU spins until
      a watchdog reset is generated after 256 seconds (as specified in
      the TBBR document).
      Change-Id: I9ca11dcb0fe15af5dbc5407ab3cf05add962f4b4
  36. 30 Oct, 2015 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      CSS: Implement topology support for System power domain · 5f3a6030
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch implements the necessary topology changes for supporting
      system power domain on CSS platforms. The definition of PLAT_MAX_PWR_LVL and
      PLAT_NUM_PWR_DOMAINS macros are removed from arm_def.h and are made platform
      specific. In addition, the `arm_power_domain_tree_desc[]` and
      `arm_pm_idle_states[]` are modified to support the system power domain
      at level 2. With this patch, even though the power management operations
      involving the system power domain will not return any error, the platform
      layer will silently ignore any operations to the power domain. The actual
      power management support for the system power domain will be added later.
      Change-Id: I791867eded5156754fe898f9cdc6bba361e5a379
  37. 11 Sep, 2015 1 commit
    • Vikram Kanigiri's avatar
      Update ARM platform ports to use new bakery lock apis. · e25e6f41
      Vikram Kanigiri authored
      This patch updates ARM platform ports to use the new unified bakery locks
      API. The caller does not have to use a different bakery lock API depending upon
      the value of the USE_COHERENT_MEM build option.
      Change-Id: I1b26afc7c9a9808a6040eb22f603d30192251da7