1. 13 Oct, 2016 1 commit
  2. 21 Sep, 2016 3 commits
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      AArch32: Add ARM platform changes in BL2 · 6fe8aa2f
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      This patch adds ARM platform changes in BL2 for AArch32 state.
      It instantiates a descriptor array for ARM platforms describing
      image and entrypoint information for `SCP_BL2`, `BL32` and `BL33`.
      It also enables building of BL2 for ARCH=aarch32.
      Change-Id: I60dc7a284311eceba401fc789311c50ac746c51e
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      AArch32: Add ARM platform changes in BL1 · 83fc4a93
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      This patch adds ARM platform changes in BL1 for AArch32 state.
      It also enables building of BL1 for ARCH=aarch32.
      Change-Id: I079be81a93d027f37b0f7d8bb474b1252bb4cf48
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      AArch32: Common changes needed for BL1/BL2 · 1a0a3f06
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      This patch adds common changes to support AArch32 state in
      BL1 and BL2. Following are the changes:
      * Added functions for disabling MMU from Secure state.
      * Added AArch32 specific SMC function.
      * Added semihosting support.
      * Added reporting of unhandled exceptions.
      * Added uniprocessor stack support.
      * Added `el3_entrypoint_common` macro that can be
        shared by BL1 and BL32 (SP_MIN) BL stages. The
        `el3_entrypoint_common` is similar to the AArch64
        counterpart with the main difference in the assembly
        instructions and the registers that are relevant to
        AArch32 execution state.
      * Enabled `LOAD_IMAGE_V2` flag in Makefile for
        `ARCH=aarch32` and added check to make sure that
        platform has not overridden to disable it.
      Change-Id: I33c6d8dfefb2e5d142fdfd06a0f4a7332962e1a3
  3. 20 Sep, 2016 1 commit
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      Add new version of image loading. · 72600226
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      This patch adds capability to load BL images based on image
      descriptors instead of hard coded way of loading BL images.
      This framework is designed such that it can be readily adapted
      by any BL stage that needs to load images.
      In order to provide the above capability the following new
      platform functions are introduced:
        bl_load_info_t *plat_get_bl_image_load_info(void);
          This function returns pointer to the list of images that the
          platform has populated to load.
        bl_params_t *plat_get_next_bl_params(void);
          This function returns a pointer to the shared memory that the
          platform has kept aside to pass trusted firmware related
          information that next BL image needs.
        void plat_flush_next_bl_params(void);
          This function flushes to main memory all the params that
          are passed to next image.
        int bl2_plat_handle_post_image_load(unsigned int image_id)
          This function can be used by the platforms to update/use
          image information for given `image_id`.
      `desc_image_load.c` contains utility functions which can be used
      by the platforms to generate, load and executable, image list
      based on the registered image descriptors.
      This patch also adds new version of `load_image/load_auth_image`
      functions in-order to achieve the above capability.
      Following are the changes for the new version as compared to old:
        - Refactor the signature and only keep image_id and image_info_t
          arguments. Removed image_base argument as it is already passed
          through image_info_t. Given that the BL image base addresses and
          limit/size are already provided by the platforms, the meminfo_t
          and entry_point_info arguments are not needed to provide/reserve
          the extent of free memory for the given BL image.
        - Added check for the image size against the defined max size.
          This is needed because the image size could come from an
          unauthenticated source (e.g. the FIP header).
          To make this check, new member is added to the image_info_t
          struct for identifying the image maximum size.
      New flag `LOAD_IMAGE_V2` is added in the Makefile.
      Default value is 0.
      NOTE: `TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT` is currently not supported when
            `LOAD_IMAGE_V2` is enabled.
      Change-Id: Ia7b643f4817a170d5a2fbf479b9bc12e63112e79
  4. 26 Aug, 2016 1 commit
    • dp-arm's avatar
      Move pmf headers to include/lib/pmf · afdda571
      dp-arm authored
      More headers will be needed soon so better to move these to their own
      directory to avoid cluttering include/lib.
      Change-Id: I6a72dc5b602d6f51954cf60aadd1beb52a268670
  5. 15 Aug, 2016 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      AArch32: Enable build at top level Makefile for FVP · 9d29c227
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch enables the AArch32 build including SP_MIN in the
      top level Makefile. The build flag `ARCH` now can specify either
      `aarch64`(default) or `aarch32`. Currently only FVP AEM model is
      supported for AArch32 build. Another new build flag `AARCH32_SP`
      is introduced to specify the AArch32 secure payload to be built.
      Change-Id: Ie1198cb9e52d7da1b79b93243338fc3868b08faa
  6. 10 Aug, 2016 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      AArch32: Add essential Arch helpers · 031dbb12
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch adds the essential AArch32 architecture helpers
      arch.h and arch_helpers.h and modifies `_types.h` to add AArch32
      A new build option `ARCH` is defined in the top level makefile to
      enable the component makefiles to choose the right files based on the
      Architecture it is being build for. Depending on this flag, either
      `AARCH32` or `AARCH64` flag is defined by the Makefile. The default
      value of `ARCH` flag is `aarch64`. The AArch32 build support will be
      added in a later patch.
      Change-Id: I405e5fac02db828a55cd25989b572b64cb005241
  7. 29 Jul, 2016 1 commit
    • dp-arm's avatar
      Replace fip_create with fiptool · 819281ee
      dp-arm authored
      fiptool provides a more consistent and intuitive interface compared to
      the fip_create program.  It serves as a better base to build on more
      features in the future.
      fiptool supports various subcommands.  Below are the currently
      supported subcommands:
      1) info   - List the images contained in a FIP file.
      2) create - Create a new FIP file with the given images.
      3) update - Update an existing FIP with the given images.
      4) unpack - Extract a selected set or all the images from a FIP file.
      5) remove - Remove images from a FIP file.  This is a new command that
         was not present in fip_create.
      To create a new FIP file, replace "fip_create" with "fiptool create".
      To update a FIP file, replace "fip_create" with "fiptool update".
      To dump the contents of a FIP file, replace "fip_create --dump" with
      "fiptool info".
      A compatibility script that emulates the basic functionality of
      fip_create is provided.  Existing scripts might or might not work with
      the compatibility script.  Users are strongly encouraged to migrate to
      Fixes ARM-Software/tf-issues#87
      Fixes ARM-Software/tf-issues#108
      Fixes ARM-Software/tf-issues#361
      Change-Id: I7ee4da7ac60179cc83cf46af890fd8bc61a53330
  8. 18 Jul, 2016 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Introduce `el3_runtime` and `PSCI` libraries · 532ed618
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch moves the PSCI services and BL31 frameworks like context
      management and per-cpu data into new library components `PSCI` and
      `el3_runtime` respectively. This enables PSCI to be built independently from
      BL31. A new `psci_lib.mk` makefile is introduced which adds the relevant
      PSCI library sources and gets included by `bl31.mk`. Other changes which
      are done as part of this patch are:
      * The runtime services framework is now moved to the `common/` folder to
        enable reuse.
      * The `asm_macros.S` and `assert_macros.S` helpers are moved to architecture
        specific folder.
      * The `plat_psci_common.c` is moved from the `plat/common/aarch64/` folder
        to `plat/common` folder. The original file location now has a stub which
        just includes the file from new location to maintain platform compatibility.
      Most of the changes wouldn't affect platform builds as they just involve
      changes to the generic bl1.mk and bl31.mk makefiles.
      Change-Id: I6bd87d5b59424995c6a65ef8076d4fda91ad5e86
  9. 08 Jul, 2016 1 commit
    • Sandrine Bailleux's avatar
      Introduce SEPARATE_CODE_AND_RODATA build flag · 5d1c104f
      Sandrine Bailleux authored
      At the moment, all BL images share a similar memory layout: they start
      with their code section, followed by their read-only data section.
      The two sections are contiguous in memory. Therefore, the end of the
      code section and the beginning of the read-only data one might share
      a memory page. This forces both to be mapped with the same memory
      attributes. As the code needs to be executable, this means that the
      read-only data stored on the same memory page as the code are
      executable as well. This could potentially be exploited as part of
      a security attack.
      This patch introduces a new build flag called
      SEPARATE_CODE_AND_RODATA, which isolates the code and read-only data
      on separate memory pages. This in turn allows independent control of
      the access permissions for the code and read-only data.
      This has an impact on memory footprint, as padding bytes need to be
      introduced between the code and read-only data to ensure the
      segragation of the two. To limit the memory cost, the memory layout
      of the read-only section has been changed in this case.
       - When SEPARATE_CODE_AND_RODATA=0, the layout is unchanged, i.e.
         the read-only section still looks like this (padding omitted):
         |        ...        |
         | Exception vectors |
         |  Read-only data   |
         |       Code        |
         +-------------------+ BLx_BASE
         In this case, the linker script provides the limits of the whole
         read-only section.
       - When SEPARATE_CODE_AND_RODATA=1, the exception vectors and
         read-only data are swapped, such that the code and exception
         vectors are contiguous, followed by the read-only data. This
         gives the following new layout (padding omitted):
         |        ...        |
         |  Read-only data   |
         | Exception vectors |
         |       Code        |
         +-------------------+ BLx_BASE
         In this case, the linker script now exports 2 sets of addresses
         instead: the limits of the code and the limits of the read-only
         data. Refer to the Firmware Design guide for more details. This
         provides platform code with a finer-grained view of the image
         layout and allows it to map these 2 regions with the appropriate
         access permissions.
      Note that SEPARATE_CODE_AND_RODATA applies to all BL images.
      Change-Id: I936cf80164f6b66b6ad52b8edacadc532c935a49
  10. 16 Jun, 2016 2 commits
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      Add optional PSCI STAT residency & count functions · 170fb93d
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      This patch adds following optional PSCI STAT functions:
      - PSCI_STAT_RESIDENCY: This call returns the amount of time spent
        in power_state in microseconds, by the node represented by the
        `target_cpu` and the highest level of `power_state`.
      - PSCI_STAT_COUNT: This call returns the number of times a
        `power_state` has been used by the node represented by the
        `target_cpu` and the highest power level of `power_state`.
      These APIs provides residency statistics for power states that has
      been used by the platform. They are implemented according to v1.0
      of the PSCI specification.
      By default this optional feature is disabled in the PSCI
      implementation. To enable it, set the boolean flag
      `ENABLE_PSCI_STAT` to 1. This also sets `ENABLE_PMF` to 1.
      Change-Id: Ie62e9d37d6d416ccb1813acd7f616d1ddd3e8aff
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      Add Performance Measurement Framework(PMF) · a31d8983
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      This patch adds Performance Measurement Framework(PMF) in the
      ARM Trusted Firmware. PMF is implemented as a library and the
      SMC interface is provided through ARM SiP service.
      The PMF provides capturing, storing, dumping and retrieving the
      time-stamps, by enabling the development of services by different
      providers, that can be easily integrated into ARM Trusted Firmware.
      The PMF capture and retrieval APIs can also do appropriate cache
      maintenance operations to the timestamp memory when the caller
      indicates so.
      `pmf_main.c` consists of core functions that implement service
      registration, initialization, storing, dumping and retrieving
      the time-stamp.
      `pmf_smc.c` consists SMC handling for registered PMF services.
      `pmf.h` consists of the macros that can be used by the PMF service
      providers to register service and declare time-stamp functions.
      `pmf_helpers.h` consists of internal macros that are used by `pmf.h`
      By default this feature is disabled in the ARM trusted firmware.
      To enable it set the boolean flag `ENABLE_PMF` to 1.
      NOTE: The caller is responsible for specifying the appropriate cache
      maintenance flags and for acquiring/releasing appropriate locks
      before/after capturing/retrieving the time-stamps.
      Change-Id: Ib45219ac07c2a81b9726ef6bd9c190cc55e81854
  11. 06 Jun, 2016 1 commit
    • Sandrine Bailleux's avatar
      Move checkpatch options in a configuration file · f607739c
      Sandrine Bailleux authored
      At the moment, the top Makefile specifies the options to pass to the
      checkpatch script in order to check the coding style. The checkpatch
      script also supports reading its options from a configuration file
      rather than from the command line.
      This patch makes use of this feature and moves the checkpatch options
      out of the Makefile. This simplifies the Makefile and makes things
      This patch also adds some more checkpatch options:
        --ignore FILE_PATH_CHANGES
        --ignore AVOID_EXTERNS
        --ignore NEW_TYPEDEFS
        --ignore VOLATILE
      The rationale behind each of these options has been documented
      in the configuration file.
      Change-Id: I423e1abe5670c0f57046cbf705f89a8463898676
  12. 03 Jun, 2016 3 commits
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Exclude more files from checkpatch and checkcodebase · 1a41e8c1
      Dan Handley authored
      Exclude documentation files from the `make checkcodebase` target
      (these files were already excluded from checkpatch).
      Also exclude libfdt files to prepare for import of this library.
      Change-Id: Iee597ed66494de2b11cf84096f771f1f04472d5b
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Move stdlib header files to include/lib/stdlib · f0b489c1
      Dan Handley authored
      * Move stdlib header files from include/stdlib to include/lib/stdlib for
        consistency with other library headers.
      * Fix checkpatch paths to continue excluding stdlib files.
      * Create stdlib.mk to define the stdlib source files and include directories.
      * Include stdlib.mk from the top level Makefile.
      * Update stdlib header path in the fip_create Makefile.
      * Update porting-guide.md with the new paths.
      Change-Id: Ia92c2dc572e9efb54a783e306b5ceb2ce24d27fa
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Build option to include AArch32 registers in cpu context · 8cd16e6b
      Soby Mathew authored
      The system registers that are saved and restored in CPU context include
      AArch32 systems registers like SPSR_ABT, SPSR_UND, SPSR_IRQ, SPSR_FIQ,
      DACR32_EL2, IFSR32_EL2 and FPEXC32_EL2. Accessing these registers on an
      AArch64-only (i.e. on hardware that does not implement AArch32, or at
      least not at EL1 and higher ELs) platform leads to an exception. This patch
      introduces the build option `CTX_INCLUDE_AARCH32_REGS` to specify whether to
      include these AArch32 systems registers in the cpu context or not. By default
      this build option is set to 1 to ensure compatibility. AArch64-only platforms
      must set it to 0. A runtime check is added in BL1 and BL31 cold boot path to
      verify this.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#386
      Change-Id: I720cdbd7ed7f7d8516635a2ec80d025f478b95ee
  13. 14 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Sandrine Bailleux's avatar
      Give user's compiler flags precedence over default ones · 403973c9
      Sandrine Bailleux authored
      The user can provide additional CFLAGS to use when building TF.
      However, these custom CFLAGS are currently prepended to the
      standard CFLAGS that are hardcoded in the TF build system. This
      is an issue because when providing conflicting compiler flags
      (e.g. different optimisations levels like -O1 and -O0), the last
      one on the command line usually takes precedence. This means that
      the user flags get overriden.
      To address this problem, this patch separates the TF CFLAGS from
      the user CFLAGS. The former are now stored in the TF_CFLAGS make
      variable, whereas the CFLAGS make variable is untouched and reserved
      for the user. The order of the 2 sets of flags is enforced when
      invoking the compiler.
      Fixes ARM-Software/tf-issues#350
      Change-Id: Ib189f44555b885f1dffbec6015092f381600e560
  14. 08 Apr, 2016 4 commits
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      Remove markdown files from coding style check · 8f524c22
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      All markdown (.md) files in the root directory of the repository and
      all the files inside the 'docs' directory have been removed from
      ROOT_DIRS_TO_CHECK in the Makefile in order not to perform the coding
      style check on them.
      Change-Id: Iac397b44f95cbcdb9a52cc20bf69998c394ac00a
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      Fix list of paths to perform coding style check on · 3323fe1d
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      Removed an extra parentheses that produced an invalid list of files
      and directories to check by checkpatch.pl.
      Change-Id: Iefe2c1f8be6e7b7b58f6ffe3e16fe6336b9a8689
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      Rename BL33_BASE option to PRELOADED_BL33_BASE · 68450a6d
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      To avoid confusion the build option BL33_BASE has been renamed to
      PRELOADED_BL33_BASE, which is more descriptive of what it does and
      doesn't get mistaken by similar names like BL32_BASE that work in a
      completely different way.
      Change-Id: I658925ebe95406edf0325f15aa1752e1782aa45b
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      Remove BL32_BASE when building without SPD for FVP · 81d139d5
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      Previously, when building TF without SPD support, BL2 tried to load a
      BL32 image from the FIP and fails to find one, which resulted on
      warning messages on the console. Even if there is a BL32 image in the
      FIP it shouldn't be loaded because there is no way to transfer
      control to the Secure Payload without SPD support.
      The Makefile has been modified to pass a define of the form
      SPD_${SPD} to the source code the same way it's done for PLAT. The
      define SPD_none is then used to undefine BL32_BASE when BL32 is not
      used to prevent BL2 from trying to load a BL32 image and failing,
      thus removing the warning messages mentioned above.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#287
      Change-Id: Ifeb6f1c26935efb76afd353fea88e87ba09e9658
  15. 01 Apr, 2016 5 commits
    • Evan Lloyd's avatar
      Make:Allow for extension in tool names. · 42a45b51
      Evan Lloyd authored
      In some build environments executable programs have a specific file
      extension.  The value of BIN_EXT is appended to the relevant tool file
      names to allow for this.
      The value of BIN_EXT is set, where appropriate, by the build environment
      specific make helper (to .exe for Windows build environments).
      .gitignore is updated to hide the new (.exe) files.
      Change-Id: Icc32f64b750e425265075ad4e0dea18129640b86
    • Evan Lloyd's avatar
      Make:Use "simply expanded" make variables. · b169f6a9
      Evan Lloyd authored
      Replace some "recursively expanded" make variables with "simply
      expanded" variables (i.e. replace = with :=). This has no functional
      impact but is more consistent and theoretically more efficient.
      Change-Id: Iaf33d7c8ad48464ae0d39923515d1e7f230c95c1
    • Evan Lloyd's avatar
      Make:Use environment variables for OS detection. · e7f54dbd
      Evan Lloyd authored
      Add make helper files to select the appropriate settings for the build
      environment. Selection is made in make_helpers/build_env.mk, which
      selects other files to include using generic build environment settings.
      The Trusted Firmware Makefile and supporting tool Makefiles are updated
      to include build_env.mk instead of unix.mk.
      NOTE: This change does not fully enable builds in other build
            environments. It facilitates this without compromising the
            existing build environments.
      Change-Id: Ic4064ffe6ce158bbd16d7cc9f27dd4655a3580f6
    • Evan Lloyd's avatar
      Make:Make shell commands more portable · f1477d4a
      Evan Lloyd authored
      Macros are inserted to replace direct invocations of commands that are
      problematic on some build environments. (e.g. Some environments expect
      \ in paths instead of /.)
      The changes take into account mismatched command mappings across
      The new helper file unix.mk retains existing makefile behaviour on unix
      like build environments by providing the following macro definitions:
        SHELL_COPY        cp -f
        SHELL_COPY_TREE   cp -rf
        SHELL_DELETE      rm -f
        SHELL_DELETE_ALL  rm -rf
        MAKE_PREREQ_DIR   mkdir -p  (As make target)
        SHELL_REMOVE_DIR  rm -rf
      Change-Id: I1b5ca5e1208e78230b15284c4af00c1c006cffcb
    • Evan Lloyd's avatar
      Make:Remove calls to shell from makefiles. · 231c1470
      Evan Lloyd authored
      As an initial stage of making Trusted Firmware build environment more
      portable, we remove most uses of the $(shell ) function and replace them
      with more portable make function based solutions.
      Note that the setting of BUILD_STRING still uses $(shell ) since it's
      not possible to reimplement this as a make function. Avoiding invocation
      of this on incompatible host platforms will be implemented separately.
      Change-Id: I768e2f9a265c78814a4adf2edee4cc46cda0f5b8
  16. 31 Mar, 2016 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      Remove xlat_helpers.c · f33fbb2f
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      lib/aarch64/xlat_helpers.c defines helper functions to build
      translation descriptors, but no common code or upstream platform
      port uses them. As the rest of the xlat_tables code evolves, there
      may be conflicts with these helpers, therefore this code should be
      Change-Id: I9f5be99720f929264818af33db8dada785368711
  17. 02 Mar, 2016 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      Enable preloaded BL33 alternative boot flow · cf2c8a33
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      Enable alternative boot flow where BL2 does not load BL33 from
      non-volatile storage, and BL31 hands execution over to a preloaded
      The flag used to enable this bootflow is BL33_BASE, which must hold
      the entrypoint address of the BL33 image. The User Guide has been
      updated with an example of how to use this option with a bootwrapped
      Change-Id: I48087421a7b0636ac40dca7d457d745129da474f
  18. 26 Feb, 2016 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      Compile stdlib C files individually · 191a0088
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      All C files of stdlib were included into std.c, which was the file
      that the Makefile actually compiled. This is a poor way of compiling
      all the files and, while it may work fine most times, it's
      In this particular case, each C file included its own headers, which
      were later included into std.c. For example, this caused problems
      because a duplicated typedef of u_short in both subr_prf.c and
      types.h. While that may require an issue on its own, this kind of
      problems are avoided if all C files are as independent as possible.
      Change-Id: I9a7833fd2933003f19a5d7db921ed8542ea2d04a
  19. 08 Feb, 2016 1 commit
    • Sandrine Bailleux's avatar
      Disable non-temporal hint on Cortex-A53/57 · 54035fc4
      Sandrine Bailleux authored
      The LDNP/STNP instructions as implemented on Cortex-A53 and
      Cortex-A57 do not behave in a way most programmers expect, and will
      most probably result in a significant speed degradation to any code
      that employs them. The ARMv8-A architecture (see Document ARM DDI
      0487A.h, section D3.4.3) allows cores to ignore the non-temporal hint
      and treat LDNP/STNP as LDP/STP instead.
      This patch introduces 2 new build flags:
      to enforce this behaviour on Cortex-A53 and Cortex-A57. They are
      enabled by default.
      The string printed in debug builds when a specific CPU errata
      workaround is compiled in but skipped at runtime has been
      generalised, so that it can be reused for the non-temporal hint use
      case as well.
      Change-Id: I3e354f4797fd5d3959872a678e160322b13867a1
  20. 05 Jan, 2016 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      Apply TBBR naming convention to the fip_create options · 8f0617ef
      Juan Castillo authored
      The fip_create tool specifies images in the command line using the
      ARM TF naming convention (--bl2, --bl31, etc), while the cert_create
      tool uses the TBBR convention (--tb-fw, --soc-fw, etc). This double
      convention is confusing and should be aligned.
      This patch updates the fip_create command line options to follow the
      TBBR naming convention. Usage examples in the User Guide have been
      also updated.
      NOTE: users that build the FIP by calling the fip_create tool directly
      from the command line must update the command line options in their
      scripts. Users that build the FIP by invoking the main ARM TF Makefile
      should not notice any difference.
      Change-Id: I84d602630a2585e558d927b50dfde4dd2112496f
  21. 22 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  22. 21 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  23. 14 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  24. 10 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      De-feature PL011 UART driver to match generic UART spec · 12f654b6
      Juan Castillo authored
      The Server Base System Architecture document (ARM-DEN-0029)
      specifies a generic UART device. The programmer's view of this
      generic UART is a subset of the ARM PL011 UART. However, the
      current PL011 driver in Trusted Firmware uses some features
      that are outside the generic UART specification.
      This patch modifies the PL011 driver to exclude features outside
      the SBSA generic UART specification by setting the boolean build
      option 'PL011_GENERIC_UART=1'. Default value is 0 (use full
      PL011 features).
      User guide updated.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#216
      Change-Id: I6e0eb86f9d69569bc3980fb57e70d6da5d91a737
  25. 09 Dec, 2015 3 commits
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      FWU: Add support for `fwu_fip` target · 0191262d
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      Firmware update feature needs a new FIP called `fwu_fip.bin` that
      includes Secure(SCP_BL2U, BL2U) and Normal world(NS_BL2U) images
      along with the FWU_CERT certificate in order for NS_BL1U to load
      the images and help the Firmware update process to complete.
      This patch adds the capability to support the new target `fwu_fip`
      which includes above mentioned FWU images in the make files.
      The new target of `fwu_fip` and its dependencies are included for
      compilation only when `TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT` is defined.
      Change-Id: Ie780e3aac6cbd0edfaff3f9af96a2332bd69edbc
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      FWU: Add Generic BL2U FWU image support in BL2 · 9003fa0b
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      The Firmware Update (FWU) feature needs support for an optional
      secure world image, BL2U, to allow additional secure world
      initialization required by FWU, for example DDR initialization.
      This patch adds generic framework support to create BL2U.
      NOTE: A platform makefile must supply additional `BL2U_SOURCES`
            to build the bl2u target. A subsequent patch adds bl2u
            support for ARM platforms.
      Change-Id: If2ce036199bb40b39b7f91a9332106bcd4e25413
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      FWU: Add Generic Firmware Update framework support in BL1 · 48bfb88e
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      Firmware update(a.k.a FWU) feature is part of the TBB architecture.
      BL1 is responsible for carrying out the FWU process if platform
      specific code detects that it is needed.
      This patch adds support for FWU feature support in BL1 which is
      included by enabling `TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT` compile time flag.
      This patch adds bl1_fwu.c which contains all the core operations
      of FWU, which are; SMC handler, image copy, authentication, execution
      and resumption. It also adds bl1.h introducing #defines for all
      BL1 SMCs.
      Following platform porting functions are introduced:
      int bl1_plat_mem_check(uintptr_t mem_base, unsigned int mem_size,
      unsigned int flags);
      	This function can be used to add platform specific memory checks
      	for the provided base/size for the given security state.
      	The weak definition will invoke `assert()` and return -ENOMEM.
      __dead2 void bl1_plat_fwu_done(void *cookie, void *reserved);
      	This function can be used to initiate platform specific procedure
      	to mark completion of the FWU process.
      	The weak definition waits forever calling `wfi()`.
      plat_bl1_common.c contains weak definitions for above functions.
      FWU process starts when platform detects it and return the image_id
      other than BL2_IMAGE_ID by using `bl1_plat_get_next_image_id()` in
      NOTE: User MUST provide platform specific real definition for
      bl1_plat_mem_check() in order to use it for Firmware update.
      Change-Id: Ice189a0885d9722d9e1dd03f76cac1aceb0e25ed
  26. 26 Nov, 2015 1 commit
    • Sandrine Bailleux's avatar
      Introduce COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU build option · a9bec67d
      Sandrine Bailleux authored
      This patch introduces a new build option named COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU,
      which allows platforms that only release a single CPU out of reset to
      slightly optimise their cold boot code, both in terms of code size
      and performance.
      COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU defaults to 0, which assumes that the platform
      may release several CPUs out of reset. In this case, the cold reset
      code needs to coordinate all CPUs via the usual primary/secondary
      CPU distinction.
      If a platform guarantees that only a single CPU will ever be released
      out of reset, there is no need to arbitrate execution ; the notion of
      primary and secondary CPUs itself no longer exists. Such platforms
      may set COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU to 1 in order to compile out the
      primary/secondary CPU identification in the cold reset code.
      All ARM standard platforms can release several CPUs out of reset
      so they use COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU=0. However, on CSS platforms like
      Juno, bringing up more than one CPU at reset should only be attempted
      when booting an EL3 payload, as it is not fully supported in the
      normal boot flow.
      For platforms using COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU=1, the following 2 platform
      APIs become optional:
        - plat_secondary_cold_boot_setup();
        - plat_is_my_cpu_primary().
      The Porting Guide has been updated to reflect that.
      User Guide updated as well.
      Change-Id: Ic5b474e61b7aec1377d1e0b6925d17dfc376c46b