"plat/arm/board/juno/juno_common.c" did not exist on "9003fa0b0c06fc8951498dcd69925e477fc5907a"
  1. 14 Aug, 2020 1 commit
    • Jimmy Brisson's avatar
      Prevent colliding identifiers · d74c6b83
      Jimmy Brisson authored
      There was a collision between the name of the typedef in the CASSERT and
      something else, so we make the name of the typedef unique to the
      invocation of DEFFINE_SVC_UUID2 by appending the name that's passed into
      the macro. This eliminates the following MISRA violation:
          bl1/bl1_main.c:233:[MISRA C-2012 Rule 5.6 (required)] Identifier
          "invalid_svc_uuid" is already used to represent a typedef.
      This also resolves MISRA rule 5.9.
      These renamings are as follows:
        * tzram -> secram. This matches the function call name as it has
        sec_mem in it's  name
        * fw_config_base -> config_base. This file does not mess with
        hw_conig, so there's little chance of confusion
      Change-Id: I8734ba0956140c8e29b89d0596d10d61a6ef351e
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJimmy Brisson <jimmy.brisson@arm.com>
  2. 23 Jul, 2020 1 commit
  3. 21 Jul, 2020 1 commit
  4. 29 Jun, 2020 1 commit
  5. 25 Jun, 2020 1 commit
    • Manish V Badarkhe's avatar
      plat/arm: Load and populate fw_config and tb_fw_config · 82869675
      Manish V Badarkhe authored
      Modified the code to do below changes:
      1. Load tb_fw_config along with fw_config by BL1.
      2. Populate fw_config device tree information in the
         BL1 to load tb_fw_config.
      3. In BL2, populate fw_config information to retrieve
         the address of tb_fw_config and then tb_fw_config
         gets populated using retrieved address.
      4. Avoid processing of configuration file in case of error
         value returned from "fw_config_load" function.
      5. Updated entrypoint information for BL2 image so
         that it's arg0 should point to fw_config address.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarManish V Badarkhe <Manish.Badarkhe@arm.com>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarLouis Mayencourt <louis.mayencourt@arm.com>
      Change-Id: Ife6f7b673a074e7f544ee3d1bda7645fd5b2886c
  6. 24 Jun, 2020 1 commit
  7. 23 Mar, 2020 1 commit
  8. 11 Mar, 2020 1 commit
    • Madhukar Pappireddy's avatar
      fconf: enhancements to firmware configuration framework · 25d740c4
      Madhukar Pappireddy authored
      A populate() function essentially captures the value of a property,
      defined by a platform, into a fconf related c structure. Such a
      callback is usually platform specific and is associated to a specific
      configuration source.
      For example, a populate() function which captures the hardware topology
      of the platform can only parse HW_CONFIG DTB. Hence each populator
      function must be registered with a specific 'config_type' identifier.
      It broadly represents a logical grouping of configuration properties
      which is usually a device tree source file.
      > TB_FW: properties related to trusted firmware such as IO policies,
      	 base address of other DTBs, mbedtls heap info etc.
      > HW_CONFIG: properties related to hardware configuration of the SoC
      	 such as topology, GIC controller, PSCI hooks, CPU ID etc.
      This patch modifies FCONF_REGISTER_POPULATOR macro and fconf_populate()
      to register and invoke the appropriate callbacks selectively based on
      configuration type.
      Change-Id: I6f63b1fd7a8729c6c9137d5b63270af1857bb44a
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMadhukar Pappireddy <madhukar.pappireddy@arm.com>
  9. 04 Mar, 2020 1 commit
    • Manish Pandey's avatar
      SPMD: loading Secure Partition payloads · cb3b5344
      Manish Pandey authored
      This patch implements loading of Secure Partition packages using
      existing framework of loading other bl images.
      The current framework uses a statically defined array to store all the
      possible image types and at run time generates a link list and traverse
      through it to load different images.
      To load SPs, a new array of fixed size is introduced which will be
      dynamically populated based on number of SPs available in the system
      and it will be appended to the loadable images list.
      Change-Id: I8309f63595f2a71b28a73b922d20ccba9c4f6ae4
      Signed-off-by: default avatarManish Pandey <manish.pandey2@arm.com>
  10. 07 Feb, 2020 1 commit
  11. 05 Feb, 2020 1 commit
  12. 01 Aug, 2019 1 commit
    • Julius Werner's avatar
      Switch AARCH32/AARCH64 to __aarch64__ · 402b3cf8
      Julius Werner authored
      NOTE: AARCH32/AARCH64 macros are now deprecated in favor of __aarch64__.
      All common C compilers pre-define the same macros to signal which
      architecture the code is being compiled for: __arm__ for AArch32 (or
      earlier versions) and __aarch64__ for AArch64. There's no need for TF-A
      to define its own custom macros for this. In order to unify code with
      the export headers (which use __aarch64__ to avoid another dependency),
      let's deprecate the AARCH32 and AARCH64 macros and switch the code base
      over to the pre-defined standard macro. (Since it is somewhat
      unintuitive that __arm__ only means AArch32, let's standardize on only
      using __aarch64__.)
      Change-Id: Ic77de4b052297d77f38fc95f95f65a8ee70cf200
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJulius Werner <jwerner@chromium.org>
  13. 25 Jan, 2019 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      plat/arm: Sanitise includes · bd9344f6
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      Use full include paths like it is done for common includes.
      This cleanup was started in commit d40e0e08283a ("Sanitise includes
      across codebase"), but it only cleaned common files and drivers. This
      patch does the same to Arm platforms.
      Change-Id: If982e6450bbe84dceb56d464e282bcf5d6d9ab9b
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <antonio.ninodiaz@arm.com>
  14. 15 Jan, 2019 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      plat/arm: Fix header dependencies · 234bc7f8
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      From now on, platform_def.h must include any header with definitions that
      are platform-specific (like arm_def.h) and the included headers mustn't
      include back platform_def.h, and shouldn't be used by other files. Only
      platform_def.h should be included in other files. This will ensure that all
      needed definitions are present, rather than needing to include all the
      headers in all the definitions' headers just in case.
      This also prevents problems like cyclic dependencies.
      Change-Id: I9d3cf4d1de4b956fa035c79545222697acdaf5ca
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <antonio.ninodiaz@arm.com>
  15. 04 Jan, 2019 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      Sanitise includes across codebase · 09d40e0e
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      Enforce full include path for includes. Deprecate old paths.
      The following folders inside include/lib have been left unchanged:
      - include/lib/cpus/${ARCH}
      - include/lib/el3_runtime/${ARCH}
      The reason for this change is that having a global namespace for
      includes isn't a good idea. It defeats one of the advantages of having
      folders and it introduces problems that are sometimes subtle (because
      you may not know the header you are actually including if there are two
      of them).
      For example, this patch had to be created because two headers were
      called the same way: e0ea0928 ("Fix gpio includes of mt8173 platform
      to avoid collision."). More recently, this patch has had similar
      problems: 46f9b2c3 ("drivers: add tzc380 support").
      This problem was introduced in commit 4ecca339
       ("Move include and
      source files to logical locations"). At that time, there weren't too
      many headers so it wasn't a real issue. However, time has shown that
      this creates problems.
      Platforms that want to preserve the way they include headers may add the
      removed paths to PLAT_INCLUDES, but this is discouraged.
      Change-Id: I39dc53ed98f9e297a5966e723d1936d6ccf2fc8f
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <antonio.ninodiaz@arm.com>
  16. 26 Oct, 2018 1 commit
  17. 28 Sep, 2018 1 commit
  18. 18 Sep, 2018 1 commit
  19. 30 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  20. 10 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  21. 06 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  22. 01 Aug, 2018 1 commit
    • Daniel Boulby's avatar
      Fix build for SEPARATE_CODE_AND_RODATA=0 · 2ecaafd2
      Daniel Boulby authored
      TF won't build since no memory region is specified
      for when SEPARATE_CODE_AND_RODATA=0 it still relies on
      the ARM_MAP_BL_RO_DATA region which is never defined for
      this case. Create memory region combining code and RO data for
      when the build flag SEPARATE_CODE_AND_RODATA=0 to fix this
      Change-Id: I6c129eb0833497710cce55e76b8908ce03e0a638
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDaniel Boulby <daniel.boulby@arm.com>
  23. 24 Jul, 2018 1 commit
  24. 11 Jul, 2018 1 commit
  25. 19 Jun, 2018 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      plat/arm: Migrate AArch64 port to the multi console driver · 88a0523e
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      The old API is deprecated and will eventually be removed.
      Arm platforms now use the multi console driver for boot and runtime
      consoles. However, the crash console uses the direct console API because
      it doesn't need any memory access to work. This makes it more robust
      during crashes.
      The AArch32 port of the Trusted Firmware doesn't support this new API
      yet, so it is only enabled in AArch64 builds. Because of this, the
      common code must maintain compatibility with both systems. SP_MIN
      doesn't have to be updated because it's only used in AArch32 builds.
      The TSP is only used in AArch64, so it only needs to support the new
      API without keeping support for the old one.
      Special care must be taken because of PSCI_SYSTEM_SUSPEND. In Juno, this
      causes the UARTs to reset (except for the one used by the TSP). This
      means that they must be unregistered when suspending and re-registered
      when resuming. This wasn't a problem with the old driver because it just
      restarted the UART, and there were no problems associated with
      registering and unregistering consoles.
      The size reserved for BL2 has been increased.
      Change-Id: Icefd117dd1eb9c498921181a21318c2d2435c441
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <antonio.ninodiaz@arm.com>
  26. 08 Jun, 2018 1 commit
  27. 07 Jun, 2018 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      ARM platforms: Move BL31 below BL2 to enable BL2 overlay · c099cd39
      Soby Mathew authored
      The patch changes the layout of BL images in memory to enable
      more efficient use of available space. Previously BL31 was loaded
      with the expectation that BL2 memory would be reclaimed by BL32
      loaded in SRAM. But with increasing memory requirements in the
      firmware, we can no longer fit BL32 in SRAM anymore which means the
      BL2 memory is not reclaimed by any runtime image. Positioning BL2
      below BL1-RW and above BL31 means that the BL31 NOBITS can be
      overlaid on BL2 and BL1-RW.
      This patch also propogates the same memory layout to BL32 for AArch32
      mode. The reset addresses for the following configurations are also
      changed :
         * When RESET_TO_SP_MIN=1 for BL32 in AArch32 mode
         * When BL2_AT_EL3=1 for BL2
      The restriction on BL31 to be only in DRAM when SPM is enabled
      is now removed with this change. The update to the firmware design
      guide for the BL memory layout is done in the following patch.
      Change-Id: Icca438e257abe3e4f5a8215f945b9c3f9fbf29c9
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  28. 25 May, 2018 1 commit
    • Daniel Boulby's avatar
      Remove duplicate weak definition · bc325c2c
      Daniel Boulby authored
      The weak pragma was assigned twice to the bl2_plat_handle_post_image_load
      definition both in plat/common/ and in plat/arm/common/ this was an error as
      it should have only have been defined in plat/common
      Change-Id: Id85e14c699cb09ed998d1677f2a172e760911918
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDaniel Boulby <daniel.boulby@arm.com>
  29. 18 May, 2018 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      FVP: Enable capability to disable auth via dynamic config · 6e79f9fd
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch adds capability to FVP to disable authentication dynamically
      via the `disable_auth` property in TB_FW_CONFIG. Both BL1 and BL2 parses
      the TB_FW_CONFIG for the `disable_auth` property and invokes the
      `load_dyn_disable_auth()` API to disable authentication if the
      property is set to 1. The DYN_DISABLE_AUTH is enabled by default for
      FVP as it is a development platform. Note that the TB_FW_CONFIG has to
      be authenticated by BL1 irrespective of these settings.
      The arm_bl2_dyn_cfg_init() is now earlier in bl2_plat_preload_setup()
      rather than in bl2_platform_setup() as we need to get the value of
      `disable_auth` property prior to authentication of any image by BL2.
      Change-Id: I734acd59572849793e5020ec44c6ac51f654a4d1
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  30. 15 May, 2018 1 commit
  31. 11 May, 2018 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      plat/arm: Migrate AArch64 port to the multi console driver · 2f18aa1f
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      The old API is deprecated and will eventually be removed.
      Arm platforms now use the multi console driver for boot and runtime
      consoles. However, the crash console uses the direct console API because
      it doesn't need any memory access to work. This makes it more robust
      during crashes.
      The AArch32 port of the Trusted Firmware doesn't support this new API
      yet, so it is only enabled in AArch64 builds. Because of this, the
      common code must maintain compatibility with both systems. SP_MIN
      doesn't have to be updated because it's only used in AArch32 builds.
      The TSP is only used in AArch64, so it only needs to support the new
      API without keeping support for the old one.
      Special care must be taken because of PSCI_SYSTEM_SUSPEND. In Juno, this
      causes the UARTs to reset (except for the one used by the TSP). This
      means that they must be unregistered when suspending and re-registered
      when resuming. This wasn't a problem with the old driver because it just
      restarted the UART, and there were no problems associated with
      registering and unregistering consoles.
      The size of BL31 has been increased in builds with SPM.
      Change-Id: Icefd117dd1eb9c498921181a21318c2d2435c441
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <antonio.ninodiaz@arm.com>
  32. 01 May, 2018 1 commit
    • Roberto Vargas's avatar
      ARM platforms: Demonstrate mem_protect from el3_runtime · 638b034c
      Roberto Vargas authored
      Previously mem_protect used to be only supported from BL2. This is not
      helpful in the case when ARM TF-A BL2 is not used. This patch demonstrates
      mem_protect from el3_runtime firmware on ARM Platforms specifically
      when RESET_TO_BL31 or RESET_TO_SP_MIN flag is set as BL2 may be absent
      in these cases. The Non secure DRAM is dynamically mapped into EL3 mmap
      tables temporarily and then the protected regions are then cleared. This
      avoids the need to map the non secure DRAM permanently to BL31/sp_min.
      The stack size is also increased, because DYNAMIC_XLAT_TABLES require
      a bigger stack.
      Change-Id: Ia44c594192ed5c5adc596c0cff2c7cc18c001fde
      Signed-off-by: default avatarRoberto Vargas <roberto.vargas@arm.com>
  33. 26 Mar, 2018 1 commit
  34. 26 Feb, 2018 3 commits
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Dynamic cfg: MISRA fixes · da5f2745
      Soby Mathew authored
      Change-Id: I1d85b76af002b8b672fcaeca94939b7420bc8243
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      ARM Platforms: Load HW_CONFIG in BL2 · cab0b5b0
      Soby Mathew authored
      The patch adds the necessary changes to load HW_CONFIG in BL2 for
      ARM Platforms :
      1. The load address of HW_CONFIG is specified via the `hw_config_addr`
      property in TB_FW_CONFIG is loaded by BL1. The `hw_config_max_size`
      property defines the maximum size to be expected for the HW_CONFIG.
      The `arm_dyn_cfg_helpers.c` and corresponding header implements
      utility functions to parse these DT properties defined.
      The `arm_dyn_cfg.c` implements wrappers to these helpers to enable
      them to be invoked from ARM platform layer.
      2. `HW_CONFIG` is added to the `bl2_mem_params_descs[]` array which is
      the list of images to be loaded by BL2.
      3. The `libfdt` sources are now included when BL2 is built
      4. A new helper `populate_next_bl_params_config()` is introduced in
      desc_image_load.c to populate the subsequent executable BL images
      with the `hw_config` and the corresponding `fw_config` if available.
      The `plat_get_next_bl_params()` API for ARM platforms is modified to
      invoke this new helper.
      5. The implementation of `bl2_early_platform_setup2()` is modified to
      consider `arg0` as well in addition to `arg1` passed from BL1.
      6. Bump up the BL2 size for Juno to accommodate the inclusion of libfdt.
      Change-Id: I80f1554adec41753e0d179a5237364f04fe13a3f
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      ARM Platforms: Migrate to new BL handover interface · 0c306cc0
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch migrates the ARM Standard platforms to the new BL
      handover interface. The arm_blx_early_platform_setup() functions
      are also modified to take in 4 arguments. The `ARM_BL31_PLAT_PARAM_VAL`
      value passed to BL31 from BL2 is now in arg3 in preparation of dynamic
      configuration arguments.
      Change-Id: I33e8e61325a19e7a7127b1ff203c3b86921bf153
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  35. 22 Feb, 2018 1 commit
  36. 25 Sep, 2017 1 commit
    • Roberto Vargas's avatar
      mem_protect: Add mem_protect support in Juno and FVP for DRAM1 · f145403c
      Roberto Vargas authored
      mem_protect needs some kind of non-volatile memory because it has
      to remember its state across reset and power down events.
      The most suitable electronic part for this feature is a NVRAM
      which should be only accesible from the secure world. Juno and
      FVP lack such hardware and for this reason the MEM_PROTECT
      functionality is implemented with Flash EEPROM memory on both
      boards, even though this memory is accesible from the non-secure
      world. This is done only to show a full implementation of
      these PSCI features, but an actual system shouldn't use a
      non-secure NVRAM to implement it.
      The EL3 runtime software will write the mem_protect flag and BL2
      will read and clear the memory ranges if enabled. It is done in
      BL2 because it reduces the time that TF needs access to the full
      non-secure memory.
      The memory layout of both boards is defined using macros which
      take different values in Juno and FVP platforms. Generic platform
      helpers are added that use the platform specific macros to generate
      a mem_region_t that is valid for the platform.
      Change-Id: I2c6818ac091a2966fa07a52c5ddf8f6fde4941e9
      Signed-off-by: default avatarRoberto Vargas <roberto.vargas@arm.com>
  37. 06 Sep, 2017 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      CSS: Changes for SDS framework · 18e279eb
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch does the required changes to enable CSS platforms
      to build and use the SDS framework. Since SDS is always coupled with
      SCMI protocol, the preexisting SCMI build flag is now renamed to
      `CSS_USE_SCMI_SDS_DRIVER` which will enable both SCMI and SDS on
      CSS platforms. Also some of the workarounds applied for SCMI are
      now removed with SDS in place.
      Change-Id: I94e8b93f05e3fe95e475c5501c25bec052588a9c
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  38. 09 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • Summer Qin's avatar
      Add Trusted OS extra image parsing support for ARM standard platforms · 54661cd2
      Summer Qin authored
      Trusted OS may have extra images to be loaded. Load them one by one
      and do the parsing. In this patch, ARM TF need to load up to 3 images
      for optee os: header, pager and paged images. Header image is the info
      about optee os and images. Pager image include pager code and data.
      Paged image include the paging parts using virtual memory.
      Change-Id: Ia3bcfa6d8a3ed7850deb5729654daca7b00be394
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSummer Qin <summer.qin@arm.com>