1. 03 Jun, 2016 1 commit
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Move stdlib header files to include/lib/stdlib · f0b489c1
      Dan Handley authored
      * Move stdlib header files from include/stdlib to include/lib/stdlib for
        consistency with other library headers.
      * Fix checkpatch paths to continue excluding stdlib files.
      * Create stdlib.mk to define the stdlib source files and include directories.
      * Include stdlib.mk from the top level Makefile.
      * Update stdlib header path in the fip_create Makefile.
      * Update porting-guide.md with the new paths.
      Change-Id: Ia92c2dc572e9efb54a783e306b5ceb2ce24d27fa
  2. 28 Jan, 2015 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      stdlib: add missing features to build PolarSSL · e509d057
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch adds the missing features to the C library included
      in the Trusted Firmware to build PolarSSL:
        - strcasecmp() function
        - exit() function
        - sscanf()* function
        - time.h header file (and its dependencies)
      * NOTE: the sscanf() function is not a real implementation. It just
      returns the number of expected arguments by counting the number of
      '%' characters present in the formar string. This return value is
      good enough for PolarSSL because during the certificate parsing
      only the return value is checked. The certificate validity period
      is ignored.
      Change-Id: I43bb3742f26f0bd458272fccc3d72a7f2176ab3d
  3. 17 Jan, 2014 1 commit
  4. 20 Dec, 2013 1 commit
    • Harry Liebel's avatar
      Create local C library implementation (1/2) · c81b1d0f
      Harry Liebel authored
      - This change is split into two separate patches in order to
        simplify the history as interpreted by 'git'. The split is
        between the move/rename and addition of new files.
      - Remove dependency on toolchain C library headers and functions in
        order to ensure behavioural compatibility between toolchains.
      - Use FreeBSD as reference for C library implementation.
      - Do not let GCC use default library include paths.
      - Remove unused definitions in modified headers and implementations.
      - Move C library files to 'lib/stdlib' and 'include/stdlib'.
      - Break std.c functions out into separate files.
      Change-Id: I91cddfb3229775f770ad781589670c57d347a154
  5. 05 Dec, 2013 1 commit
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Enable third party contributions · ab2d31ed
      Dan Handley authored
      - Add instructions for contributing to ARM Trusted Firmware.
      - Update copyright text in all files to acknowledge contributors.
      Change-Id: I9311aac81b00c6c167d2f8c889aea403b84450e5
  6. 25 Oct, 2013 1 commit